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Nonlocal fretting fatigue assessment for dovetail joints
International Journal of Fatigue ( IF 6 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-22 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ijfatigue.2024.108337
Kaiwen Guo , Huang Yuan

In fretting fatigue, the local stress concept leads to a significant underestimation of fatigue life. Conventional fatigue models lack conservatism in dovetail structures due to mesh dependency and cumulative plastic deformations. The present study aims to develop a nonlocal life model for fretting fatigue of dovetail joints based on extensive experimental and computational analyses. Frictional work was analytically derived and utilized to describe fretting damage, combined with a multiaxial fatigue model. The developed model aligns well with experimental results under various loading conditions, with deviations falling within a double-error band.


