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Dynamic characteristics of polar ocean detector passing through the crushed ice zone based on the CFD-DEM method
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences ( IF 7.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-18 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ijmecsci.2024.109304
Xinyu Hu , Yingjie Wei , Cong Wang

This study provides a detailed investigation into the water entry dynamics of objects in polar crushed ice environments, aiming to support scientific advancements in polar resource exploration. Utilizing Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) and the Discrete Element Method (DEM), this paper meticulously examines the dynamic behaviors of objects passing through two characteristic polar environments: a single-layer crushed ice zone and a crushed ice accumulation zone. Model accuracy was validated through laboratory experiments. The study highlights significant variations in cavity evolution and interactions with crushed ice during the water entry process, revealing the complex evolution of flow fields and their influence on water entry dynamics. The presence of crushed ice notably alters the water entry pattern of projectiles, affecting splash crown formation and cavity morphology. Collisions between projectiles and crushed ice, along with crushed ice's impact on fluid flow, collectively affect the water entry state of the projectile, demonstrating the combined effect of hydrodynamic and particle collision forces. Further analysis reveals that in different crushed ice zones, crushed ice collision forces have a greater impact on projectile water entry states compared to hydrodynamics. Specifically, under single-layer crushed ice and crushed ice accumulation conditions, collision forces exceed hydrodynamic forces by 21.3 % and 38.2 %, respectively. These insights contribute to a deeper understanding of water entry processes in polar environments, informing the development of polar exploration technologies and the optimization of multi-body fluid-solid interaction algorithms.


