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Gravitational wave double copy of radiation from gluon shockwave collisions
Physics Letters B ( IF 4.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-24 , DOI: 10.1016/j.physletb.2024.138669
Himanshu Raj , Raju Venugopalan

In , we showed that the gravitational wave spectrum from trans-Planckian shockwave scattering in Einstein gravity is determined by the gravitational Lipatov vertex expressed as the bilinear double copy where is the QCD Lipatov vertex and is the QED soft photon factor. We show here that this result can be directly obtained by careful application of the classical color-kinematic duality to the spectrum obtained in gluon shockwave collisions.



在 中,我们证明了爱因斯坦引力中跨普朗克冲击波散射的引力波谱是由表示为双线性双副本的引力 Lipatov 顶点确定的,其中 是 QCD Lipatov 顶点, 是 QED 软光子因子。我们在这里表明,通过将经典的颜色运动对偶性仔细应用于胶子冲击波碰撞中获得的光谱,可以直接获得该结果。