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Crime and covenants
International Review of Financial Analysis ( IF 8.235 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-18 , DOI: 10.1016/j.irfa.2024.103294
Farhan Shazia

Crime is a major concern in the U.S., with implications for the allocation of resources due to the uncertainty associated with it. This paper examines whether the U.S. state property crime rate is a source of uncertainty that induces lenders to increase and tighten covenants as a result of increased risk. I found that greater crime exposure by borrowers leads lenders to impose higher and tighter covenants. The results remain robust to various covenant intensity measures and are not driven by endogeneity. A difference-in-difference test shows that a firm's relocation to a higher-crime-prone state significantly increases covenant intensity. I explore two potential channels that drive the effect of property crime: earnings volatility and reduced collateral value of firms operating in crime-ridden states. I find that covenants and spreads are complementary factors in the presence of higher property crimes.


