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Metrology and multipartite entanglement in measurement-induced phase transition
Quantum ( IF 6.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-30 , DOI: 10.22331/q-2024-04-30-1326
Giovanni Di Fresco 1 , Bernardo Spagnolo 1 , Davide Valenti 1 , Angelo Carollo 1

Measurement-induced phase transition arises from the competition between a deterministic quantum evolution and a repeated measurement process. We explore the measurement-induced phase transition through the Quantum Fisher Information in two different metrological scenarios. We demonstrate through the scaling behavior of the quantum Fisher information the transition of the multi-partite entanglement across the phases. In analogy with standard quantum phase transition, we reveal signature of a measurement-induced phase transition in the non-analytic behaviour of the quantum Fisher information as the measurement strength approaches the critical value. Our results offer novel insights into the features of a quantum systems undergoing measurement-induced phase transition and indicate potential avenues for further exploration in the field of quantum physics.


