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Optical discrimination of terpenes in citrus peels with a host:guest sensing array
Chemical Communications ( IF 4.9 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-01 , DOI: 10.1039/d4cc01309c
Junyi Chen 1 , Jose L. Moreno 1 , Wen Zhang 1 , Lucas J. Gibson-Elias 1 , Ria Lian 1 , Saba Najafi 1 , Haofei Zhang 1 , Wenwan Zhong 2 , Richard J. Hooley 1

A simple aqueous host:guest sensing array can selectively discriminate between different types of citrus varietal from peel extract samples. It can also distinguish between identical citrus samples at varying stages of ripening. The discrimination effects stem from detection of changes in the terpenoid composition of the peel extracts by the host:guest array, despite the overwhelming excess of a single component, limonene, in each sample. The hosts are insensitive to limonene but bind other monoterpenes strongly, even though they are similar in structure to the major limonene component. This work demonstrates the capability of host:guest arrays in sensing target molecules in environments with the competing agents present at high abundances in the sample matrix.


