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Simulation on paraffin melting enhancement in shell-tube phase change thermal storage equipment induced by natural convection
Case Studies in Thermal Engineering ( IF 6.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-25 , DOI: 10.1016/j.csite.2024.104432
XiaoLong Wang , LingNing Zhang , Tian Mu , ShangYi Song , WenKe Zhang , LinHua Zhang , WenJun Lei , GuanYue Sun

To enhance the thermal performance of the shell-tube phase change thermal storage equipment, the transient two-dimensional mathematical models of the RT35 melting were established. The transient evolution of temperature and velocity distribution and the effect of the positions of the inner tube on the intensity of natural convection for the RT35 and the melting times were analyzed. The results showed that the evolution process of the liquid fraction of RT35 could be divided into two stages: the natural convection stage and the conduction stage. In the natural convection stage, due to the buoyancy effect, the RT35 with high-temperature flowed upward and convectively heat transferred with the solid RT35 on the upper side of the inner tube, resulting in the promotion of the melting of RT35 on the upper side of the inner tube. With the increase in the eccentricity ratio (ε), the gradual increase in the mass of RT35 on the upper side of the inner tube enhanced the effect of natural convection on the melting of RT35, leading to a significant reduction in melting time. When the heat exchange temperature differences (ΔT) ranged between 9 °C and 21 °C, increasing ε from 0 to 0.8 could shorten the melting time by 87.3 %–89.73 %.


