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Raindrop Deformation in Turbulence
Geophysical Research Letters ( IF 5.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-01 , DOI: 10.1029/2024gl108627
Hepeng Zheng 1 , Yun Zhang 1 , Haoran Li 2 , Zuhang Wu 1 , Yanqiong Xie 1 , Lifeng Zhang 1

The physical behavior of a falling raindrop is governed by delicate fluid dynamics and thermodynamics, and oscillates with time. Despite this time-variant nature, past observational and simulation studies have aimed to generalize parameterizations for describing rain microphysics bearing the assumption that raindrops fall at terminal speeds with an equilibrium shape. However, the applicability of this hypothesis in a realistic atmosphere that is inherently turbulent remains an open question. Here, we employ novel retrieval techniques to quantify the impact of turbulence on raindrop microphysics using long-term in situ observations with careful assessment of the wind effect. We find that raindrop microphysics increasingly deviate from the equilibrium state as the turbulence dissipation rate increases, and this effect is more pronounced for large raindrops. We present turbulence-invoked rain microphysical parameterizations which shed light on the complex interactions between turbulence dynamics and raindrop microphysics.


