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Examining the effectiveness of municipal street sweeping in removing road-deposited particles and metal(loid)s of respiratory health concern
Environment International ( IF 11.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-24 , DOI: 10.1016/j.envint.2024.108697
Sourav Das , Clare L.S. Wiseman

Road dust is a demonstrated source of urban air pollution. Given this, the implementation of street sweeping strategies that effectively limit road dust accumulation and resuspension should be a public health priority. Research examining the effectiveness of street sweeping for road dust removal in support of good air quality has been limited to date. To address this, the study aimed to assess the use of a regenerative-air street sweeper to efficiently remove road dust particles and metal(loid)s in size fractions relevant for respiratory exposure in Toronto, Canada. As part of this, the mass amounts, particle size distribution and elemental concentrations of bulk road dust before and after sweeping at five arterial sites were characterized.


