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A solar battery containing functional metal electrodes
Electrochimica Acta ( IF 6.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-26 , DOI: 10.1016/j.electacta.2024.144336
Nikolaos Xerovasilas , Alexios Antonopoulos , Vassilios Dracopoulos , Panagiotis Lianos

Solar battery is a device that simultaneously converts and stores solar energy. In most of the cases, conversion of solar energy is achieved by means of a photoelectrode while electric energy is stored through oxidation and reduction of appropriate redox electrolytes. In the present work, a modified version of a solar battery is presented by introducing simple metal electrodes without any electrocatalysts. Thus a Zn foil plays the role of cathode during photocharging and the role of anode during battery discharging while a copper or a silver foil plays the role of cathode during discharging. The proposed design leads to the construction of a multifunctional device which provides photocharging, battery operation and a quantum-dot-sensitized solar cell functionality.


