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Dynamic error prediction and link strain feedback control for a novel heavy load multi-DOF envelope forming machine
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing ( IF 8.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-07 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ymssp.2024.111494
Fangyan Zheng , Xinghui Han , Lin Hua , Wuhao Zhuang , Bo Huang

Thin walled and high rib components (TWHRC) are widely used for rocket cabins, aircraft wings, panels and frames in aerospace equipment as critical load bearing structures. This paper is aimed to develop a novel multi-DOF envelope forming machine (MEFM) with parallel kinematic mechanism (PKM) to realize efficient manufacturing of TWHRC with high performance. Since the heavy load MEFM with PKM has many total differences with the light load PKM, such as dynamic error and precision control, this paper conducts research on dynamic error prediction modelling and precision control method for this novel heavy load MEFM.


