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Analyzing energy consumption due to occupant interaction with manual and automatic window blinds in multiple climates
Journal of Building Engineering ( IF 6.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-06 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jobe.2024.109506
Sepideh Niknia , Hazem Rashed-Ali

Proper daylight management through automated or manual blind systems can enhance user comfort and energy conservation. Furthermore, the influence of weather conditions, coupled with occupant behavior, significantly impacts energy consumption, rendering weather forecasts invaluable in conducting individual building energy simulations to identify energy-efficient strategies for the future. Also, I wonder if it is possible to move some items from room 308 until you can provide items from other resources. Future weather conditions and their impact on building performance can be evaluated using Representative Concentration Pathways (RCP) scenarios provided by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). This research aimed to compare the energy usage of manual and automated window blinds with internal blinds in mid-size office buildings across four main climate zones (2B Hot-Dry; 2A Hot-Humid; 7 Very Cold; 4A Mixed-Humid) in the USA under current and future climate change scenarios (RCP 4.5, 8.5). Utilizing simulation as the methodology and comparing the energy use resulting from the RCP 4.5 and 8.5 scenarios revealed that the most significant decrease in heating energy usage was happening in the Hot-Humid zone with Automated blinds, which is a more efficient alternative than manual Blinds. In contrast, the Very Cold zone experienced almost no changes in either heating or cooling energy consumption. In Climate Zones 2B Hot-Dry and 7 Very Cold, rising temperatures lead to increased cooling energy requirements and reduced heating demands due to climate changes. Climate Zone 4A Mixed-Humid saw reduced energy consumption for cooling but increased usage for heating, particularly under RCP 8.5. In Zone 2A Hot-Humid, a high demand for heating energy was found.



通过自动或手动百叶窗系统进行适当的日光管理可以提高用户舒适度并节约能源。此外,天气条件的影响以及居住者的行为会显着影响能源消耗,因此天气预报对于进行单个建筑能源模拟以确定未来的节能策略非常有价值。另外,我想知道是否可以从 308 房间移动一些物品,直到您可以从其他资源提供物品为止。未来的天气状况及其对建筑性能的影响可以使用政府间气候变化专门委员会 (IPCC) 提供的代表性浓度路径 (RCP) 情景进行评估。本研究旨在比较四个主要气候区(2B 干热;2A 热湿;7 极冷;4A 混合湿)中型办公楼中手动百叶窗和自动百叶窗与内部百叶窗的能源使用情况。当前和未来气候变化情景下的美国(RCP 4.5、8.5)。使用模拟作为方法并比较 RCP 4.5 和 8.5 情景产生的能源使用情况表明,采暖能源使用量下降最显着的是使用自动百叶窗的湿热区域,这是比手动百叶窗更有效的替代方案。相比之下,极冷地区的供暖或制冷能耗几乎没有变化。在 2B 干热气候区和 7 极冷气候区,由于气候变化,气温升高导致制冷能源需求增加,供暖需求减少。在 4A 混合潮湿气候区,制冷能耗减少,但供暖能耗增加,特别是在 RCP 8.5 下。在 2A 湿热区,对供暖能源的需求很高。