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Bioconversion of organic waste by insects – A comprehensive review
Process Safety and Environmental Protection ( IF 7.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-28 , DOI: 10.1016/j.psep.2024.04.122
Shahida Anusha Siddiqui , Iskandar Azmy Harahap , Jonathan Osei-Owusu , Trideep Saikia , Yuan Seng Wu , Ito Fernando , Rosa Perestrelo , José S. Câmara

The ever-growing human population has forced people to intensify agriculture to meet the demand for food and feed. However, the increase in global agricultural production also means an increase in waste generation, which is mostly improperly managed, especially in low- and middle-income countries where adequate waste management infrastructure is limited and inefficient. Consequently, organic waste has become a global burden due to its negative impact on the environment and human health. In this sense, insect-based bioconversion could be an economically viable, environmentally friendly, and technically feasible approach to organic waste management. Based on this review, organic wastes from agriculture, food industry, household, municipalities, and starch industry are considered as suitable substrates for bioconverter insects. Commonly used insects for bioconversion include the cricket, yellow mealworm, superworm, black soldier fly, house fly, flesh fly and blow fly. Rearing facilities must be adapted to provide the optimal environmental conditions for the growth and development of the reared insect to maximize the bioconversion rate and efficiency. Bioconverter insects and their by-products can be industrially processed into animal feed, fertilizer and biodiesel or extracted to isolate bioactive compounds. The challenges associated with insect-based bioconversion include human and social acceptance, method-, infrastructure- and technology-related problems, the availability of substrates, and political and legal regulations. In summary, insect-based bioconversion of organic waste has the potential to reduce waste, create jobs, provide novel products, and offer a sustainable source of protein to feed the world's growing population.


