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The untapped potential of comparative biology in aging research; insights from the extraordinary-long-lived naked mole-rat
The Journals of Gerontology Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences ( IF 5.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-09 , DOI: 10.1093/gerona/glae110
Rochelle Buffenstein 1 , Vince G Amoroso 1

The search for solutions to the vagaries of aging have, historically, been akin to searching at night in the bright light under street lamps by utilizing the few preexisting and well-established animal model systems. Throughout my career as a comparative biologist, I have ventured into the darkness across four continents and studied over 150 different animal species, many of which have evolved remarkable adaptations to survive on the harsh and rugged fitness landscape that exists outside of the laboratory setting. In this Fellows Forum, I will discuss the main focus of my research for the last 25 years and dig deeply into the biology of the preternaturally long -lived naked mole-rat that makes it an ideal model system for the characterization of successful strategies to combat aging.



从历史上看,寻找变幻莫测的衰老的解决方案类似于利用少数现有且完善的动物模型系统在夜间在路灯下的明亮光线下进行搜索。在我作为一名比较生物学家的整个职业生涯中,我冒险进入了四大洲的黑暗,研究了 150 多种不同的动物物种,其中许多动物已经进化出非凡的适应能力,可以在实验室环境之外的严酷崎岖的环境中生存。在本次研究员论坛中,我将讨论我过去 25 年的研究重点,并深入研究超长寿命裸鼹鼠的生物学特性,使其成为描述成功的抗击策略的理想模型系统。老化。