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High Prevalence of Psychological Comorbidities and Functional Neurological Symptoms in Women With Urinary Retention.
The Journal of Urology ( IF 6.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-10 , DOI: 10.1097/ju.0000000000003983
Caroline Selai 1, 2 , Cheng-hung Lee 2 , Sara Simeoni 2 , Mahreen Pakzad 2 , Eileen Joyce 1, 3 , Pany Petrochilos 3 , Khadija Rehrou Rantell 4 , Vasile Boico 1 , Jalesh N. Panicker 2, 5

Chronic idiopathic urinary retention (CIUR) in young women is poorly understood and a probable etiology is established only in around 40%, most commonly a primary disorder of external urethral sphincter relaxation, sometimes referred to as Fowler's syndrome. A high prevalence of psychological and functional comorbidities is reported, however these have been poorly characterized.



人们对年轻女性的慢性特发性尿潴留 (CIUR) 知之甚少,只有约 40% 的女性确定了可能的病因,最常见的是尿道外括约肌松弛的原发性疾病,有时称为福勒综合征。据报道,心理和功能性合并症的患病率很高,但对其特征却知之甚少。