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A novel decision support system based on computational intelligence and machine learning: Towards zero-defect manufacturing in injection molding
Journal of Industrial Information Integration ( IF 15.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-30 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jii.2024.100621
Jiun-Shiung Lin , Kun-Huang Chen

Real-time monitoring solutions have gained popularity across industries due to the advent of Industry 4.0, AI, and big data enhancing the efficiency of industrial production and equipment decisions. Machine learning models that possess computing intelligence and interpretability provide superior predictive capabilities compared to manual adjustments, resulting in cost savings and manufacturing high-quality products. This study proposes a zero-defect manufacturing decision support system based on computational intelligence feature selection combined with interpretable machine learning. The decision support system integrates Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) and the C4.5 decision tree method, abbreviated as PSO+C4.5, to enable the continuous monitoring of the injection molding process in real-time, considering production parameter information and collected data quality, guiding the decision-making process for implementing zero-defect manufacturing (ZDM). In contrast to existing research, our innovative methodology relies on computational intelligence techniques for extracting features and employs interpretable machine learning prediction models. In terms of quality prediction, our empirical findings show that the suggested method accomplishes the optimal balance between interpretability and predictive performance (Accuracy: 0.9889, Sensitivity: 0.9869, and Specificity: 0.9935). These characteristics can directly support maintenance personnel and operators in optimizing the processing quality process.


