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Socio-hydrological modelling using participatory System Dynamics modelling for enhancing urban flood resilience through Blue-Green Infrastructure
Journal of Hydrology ( IF 6.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-02 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2024.131248
Virginia Rosa Coletta , Alessandro Pagano , Nici Zimmermann , Michael Davies , Adrian Butler , Umberto Fratino , Raffaele Giordano , Irene Pluchinotta

Cities are complex systems characterised by interdependencies among infrastructural, economic, social, ecological, and human elements. Urban surface water flooding poses a significant challenge due to climate change, population growth, and ageing infrastructure, often resulting in substantial economic losses and social disruption. Traditional hydrological modelling approaches for flood risk management, while providing invaluable support in the analysis of hydrological dynamics of floods, lack an understanding of the complex interplay between hydrological and non-hydrological (i.e., social, environmental, economic) aspects in an urban system, hindering effective flood risk management strategies. In this context, socio-hydrological modelling methods offer a complementary perspective to traditional hydrological models by integrating hydrological and social processes, thereby enhancing the understanding of the complex interactions driving flood resilience.


