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Short Formal Syntheses of Lycorine and Congeners Using a 5-Endo-Trig/6-Endo-Trig Radical Cyclization Sequence
Organic Letters ( IF 5.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-10 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.orglett.4c01271
Shen Tan 1, 2 , Samir Z. Zard 2 , Le Nhan Pham 3 , Michelle L. Coote 3 , Martin G. Banwell 1 , Ping Lan 1 , Lorenzo V. White 1, 2

Here, we report a practical route to medicinally interesting lycorine congeners alongside formal syntheses of various lycorine-type natural products, including lycorine itself. The efficiency of our strategy derives from a back-to-back 5-endo-trig/6-endo-trig radical cyclization sequence, which we systematically studied both experimentally and computationally. The results of our work will facilitate future development of urgently needed antiviral therapeutics based on lycorine.


使用 5-Endo-Trig/6-Endo-Trig 自由基环化序列对石蒜碱和同系物进行简短的正式合成

在这里,我们报告了一种具有药用意义的石蒜碱同系物的实用路线,以及各种石蒜碱型天然产物(包括石蒜碱本身)的正式合成。我们的策略的效率源自连续的 5-endo-trig/6-endo-trig 自由基环化序列,我们通过实验和计算系统地研究了该序列。我们的工作结果将促进未来迫切需要的基于石蒜碱的抗病毒疗法的开发。