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Hybrid discrete-continuous compilation of trapped-ion quantum circuits with deep reinforcement learning
Quantum ( IF 6.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-14 , DOI: 10.22331/q-2024-05-14-1343
Francesco Preti 1, 2 , Michael Schilling 1, 2 , Sofiene Jerbi 3, 4 , Lea M. Trenkwalder 3 , Hendrik Poulsen Nautrup 3 , Felix Motzoi 1, 2 , Hans J. Briegel 3

Shortening quantum circuits is crucial to reducing the destructive effect of environmental decoherence and enabling useful algorithms. Here, we demonstrate an improvement in such compilation tasks via a combination of using hybrid discrete-continuous optimization across a continuous gate set, and architecture-tailored implementation. The continuous parameters are discovered with a gradient-based optimization algorithm, while in tandem the optimal gate orderings are learned via a deep reinforcement learning algorithm, based on projective simulation. To test this approach, we introduce a framework to simulate collective gates in trapped-ion systems efficiently on a classical device. The algorithm proves able to significantly reduce the size of relevant quantum circuits for trapped-ion computing. Furthermore, we show that our framework can also be applied to an experimental setup whose goal is to reproduce an unknown unitary process.


