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Experience under the spotlight
Nature Physics ( IF 19.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-15 , DOI: 10.1038/s41567-024-02502-3
Jenann Ismael

The Blind Spot: Why Science Cannot Ignore Human Experience

  • Adam Frank,
  • Marcelo Gleiser &
  • Evan Thompson
MIT PRESS: 2024. 328 pp. $29.95

How does a conception of existence beyond what is present in experience emerge? Imagine a creature crawling out of a primordial pond and for whom all of reality is solely what its consciousness perceives: light, colour, hunger, effort, pain, pleasure. Then, something happens that sets off a process of articulation. A visual image, a sound, or smell acquires a double significance, making it at once part of the inner world and a manifestation of an outer one. There is now a distinction between the experience and what the experience is of; we get the idea that there are things beyond what we see and hear. Our conception of things becomes increasingly abstract. The process that allows us to connect the image of a ball to the touch of it separates the object from its sensory effects, which are relegated to a private inner world. Science is the continuation of this process of articulation and abstraction.




  • 亚当·弗兰克,
  • 马塞洛·格莱泽 &
  • 埃文·汤普森
麻省理工学院出版社:2024 年。328 页。29.95 美元

