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Uranyl-Tc(VII)/Tc(V) hybrid clusters
Chemical Communications ( IF 4.9 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-15 , DOI: 10.1039/d4cc01726a
Mohammad Shohel 1 , May Nyman 1

Pertechnetate (99TcVIIO4), reduced Tc, and actinides co-exist in spent nuclear fuel and legacy wastes. They co-transport in fuel reprocessing and waste disposal scenarios, necessitating an understanding of co-speciation. Here, we report five new molecular cluster/framework structures with pentameric and tetrameric uranyl building units decorated by TcO4/ReO4 oxoanions, or fused with the reduced technetyl cation Tc(V)O. The latter, obtained by Tc auto-reduction (without the intentional introduction of a reducing environment), broadens the basis for Tc-reduction and the burgeoning polyoxometalate-like behavior of technetium.