
Spin qubits in solid-state devices1 are a promising platform for large-scale quantum computers. Universal control has recently been demonstrated in a six-qubit device in Silicon2, and a four-qubit device in Germanium3, marking a first step of scaling up spin qubit devices. Spin qubits in Silicon exhibit long coherence times4,5, fast manipulation6 and ability to operate at an elevated temperature7,8,9. The compatibility with the already matured semiconductor industry processes allows potential mass fabrication of such devices10, integration with cryo-electronics11, and opens the potential for high-performance integrated quantum circuits in the future12. Phase-flip code, a critical feature of large-scale quantum computers, has also been demonstrated recently13,14. These progress make spin qubits a viable qubit platform for the future.

To implement large-scale quantum computers, the ability to implement quantum error correction code is required. One of the most promising quantum error correction codes is the surface code15. Typically, under certain assumptions of the error model, the surface code gives an error threshold of 1%16. High-fidelity single-qubit4,17 and two-qubit gates18,19,20,21,22 which satisfy this error threshold, have been demonstrated with spin qubits in isotopically enriched Silicon. Among these results, the two-qubit gates are implemented as a controlled-phase (CZ) gate or controlled-rotation (CROT) gate. In contrast to the CROT gate, the CZ gate can be implemented with base-band gate pulses, eliminating the requirement for high-frequency signals typically in the range of GHz. However, a high-fidelity CZ gate requires fast and precise pulses to control the exchange coupling between two qubits because of the exponential dependence of the exchange coupling on the gate voltage19. The CROT gate, on the other hand, can be implemented in a less demanding way by keeping the exchange always on18,23. In the exchange-always-on system, the CROT gate fidelity is reduced by a coherent off-resonant Hamiltonian phase error, which has the form of a controlled phase. This phase error must be mitigated to obtain high-fidelity CROT gates above the fault-tolerant threshold. Previous work avoids this problem by shifting the control microwave frequency18. The microwave frequency is adjusted by a feedback loop to minimize this phase error. Here, we systematically compensate for the effect of these phase errors by shifting the phase of the applied microwave pulses. We measure the phase errors with a calibration sequence and compensate the effects. Our procedure to compensate for these controlled-phase errors enables us to implement a CZ gate virtually, similar to a virtual single-qubit z-gate24, thus without additional execution time in the quantum circuit. The ability to implement both high-fidelity CROT and a virtual CZ gate without complicated pulse engineering makes the exchange-always-on system interesting to study. Compared to a synthesized implementation using CZ gates19,20, the CROT gate allows for a native, resonant CNOT logical gate with fidelity above the fault-tolerant threshold18, which makes this gate relevant for future spin-based quantum processors.

Here, we demonstrate a procedure to obtain a high-fidelity resonantly driven CROT gate in an exchange-always-on two-qubit system. We present a systematic way to measure the accumulated phase error and then a method to compensate for these gate errors. We use randomized benchmarking (RB) protocol25,26 to compare the gate fidelity with and without compensation. We then perform gate-set tomography (GST)27 to obtain the details on the error processes of our quantum gates using experimental and simulated data. The experimental and simulation data results show good agreement, which proves the validity of the quantum gate model we use for simulation. Finally, we demonstrate the implementation of a virtual high-fidelity CZ gate using the compensation method and benchmark the performance of this virtual CZ gate with GST.


Device and controlled-rotation gates

Figure 1a shows the device used for the experiment, which is a triple quantum dot device fabricated in an isotopically purified silicon quantum well, the same device as used in ef. 18. A three-layer aluminium gate stack is deposited to fabricate the gate electrodes, which control the electric confinement potential of the quantum dots. We apply an external magnetic field of Bext = 0.408 T. A cobalt micro-magnet is deposited on the gate stack to induce a gradient magnetic field. The gradient magnetic field generated by the micro-magnet enables the individual adrresing of the spins in the quantum dots and the manipulation of the spin qubit state by performing electric dipole spin resonance (EDSR). The device has a charge sensor quantum dot in the upper part of the device and an array of three quantum dots in the lower part. We perform charge sensing with reflectometry28 and accumulate an electron in the center (qubit Q1) and right dot (qubit Q2), while the leftmost dot is used as an extension of the left reservoir. Figure 1b shows the stability diagram around this configuration. Energy-selective single-shot readout is used for qubit readout and initialization29.

Fig. 1: Two-qubit system.
figure 1

a False-color scanning electron microscope image of a device identical to the one measured (scale bar 100 nm). The two quantum dots are formed below plunger gate electrodes P1 (Q1) and P2 (Q2), and the yellow circle indicates the charge sensor quantum dot. Quantum gates are implemented via electric dipole spin resonance in the gradient field of a micro-magnet (not shown) by applying microwave signals to the MW gate electrodes. b Charge stability diagram around the qubit operation condition. The number of electrons in two quantum dots is denoted as (N1, N2). Readout and initialization of qubit Q1 (Q2) are performed at square A (B). Qubit operations are executed at the charge symmetry point (circle C) to achieve high-fidelity two-qubit gates. c Energy level diagram of the two-qubit system. Exciting one of the four frequencies rotates the target qubit conditioned on the state of the other qubit, which allows the implementation of controlled-rotation (CROT) and zero-controlled-rotation (ZCROT) gates. The label X indicates a π/2 pulse around the x axis of the qubit Bloch sphere. d Electric dipole spin resonance peaks. The measured spectra show the transition frequencies of Q1 when Q2 is in \(\left\vert \downarrow \right\rangle\) (blue) and \(\left\vert \uparrow \right\rangle\) (purple) and the frequencies of Q2 when Q1 is in \(\left\vert \downarrow \right\rangle\) (red) and \(\left\vert \uparrow \right\rangle\) (orange).

As the exchange coupling between the two qubits is turned on, when the Zeeman energy difference δEz between two qubits is much larger than the exchange coupling J, the energy levels of \(\left\vert \uparrow \downarrow \right\rangle\) and \(\left\vert \downarrow \uparrow \right\rangle\) are lowered, and the basis states that diagonalize the Hamiltonian become \(\left\vert \uparrow \uparrow \right\rangle\), \(\widetilde{\left\vert \uparrow \downarrow \right\rangle }\,\)\(\widetilde{\left\vert \downarrow \uparrow \right\rangle }\) and \(\left\vert \downarrow \downarrow \right\rangle\). The two-qubit Hamiltonian diagonalized by these states is23,30

$$H(t)\approx \frac{h}{2}\left(\begin{array}{cccc}2\bar{{E}_{{{{\rm{z}}}}}}&B(t)&B(t)&0\\ {B}^{* }(t)&\delta \tilde{{E}_{{{{\rm{z}}}}}}-J&0&B(t)\\ {B}^{* }(t)&0&-\delta \tilde{{E}_{{{{\rm{z}}}}}}-J&B(t)\\ 0&{B}^{* }(t)&{B}^{* }(t)&-2\bar{{E}_{{{{\rm{z}}}}}}\end{array}\right),$$

where \(\bar{{E}_{{{{\rm{z}}}}}}\) is the averaged Zeeman energy of the two qubits, \(\delta {\tilde{E}}_{{{{\rm{z}}}}}=\sqrt{{J}^{2}+\delta {E}_{{{{\rm{z}}}}}^{2}}\) the effective Zeeman energy difference and B(t) the effective magnetic field induced by the EDSR. Figure 1c shows the energy levels of the four basis states. This results in four distinct transition resonance frequencies \({f}_{m,\sigma }=\bar{{E}_{{{{\rm{z}}}}}}+({c}_{\sigma }J+{c}_{m}\delta {\tilde{E}}_{{{{\rm{z}}}}})/2\) where m = 1, 2 is the qubit index and σ = , is the spin with the coefficients c1 = c = − 1, c2 = c = + 1. By exciting one of the four transition frequencies, we implement the resonantly driven zero-controlled rotations (ZCROT) and controlled rotations (CROT)31. The ZCROT rotates the target qubit if the control qubit is in \(\left\vert \downarrow \right\rangle\) (0 state), and the CROT rotates the target qubit if the control qubit is in \(\left\vert \uparrow \right\rangle\) (1 state). The notation CROT\({}_{{{{\rm{ctrl,targ}}}}}\) (ZCROT\({}_{{{{\rm{ctrl,targ}}}}}\)) indicates a rotation of the target qubit (targ = 1, 2) if the control qubit (ctrl = 1, 2) is in \(\left\vert \uparrow \right\rangle\) (\(\left\vert \downarrow \right\rangle\)) state. Figure 1d shows the measured EDSR frequencies and δEz ~ 310 MHz. We choose J = 18 MHz such that the system is in an optimal condition for high two-qubit gate fidelities18.

The effective magnetic field induced by the EDSR has the form \(B(t)={f}_{{{{\rm{R}}}}}{e}^{+2i\pi {f}_{{{{\rm{MW}}}}}t}\) with fMW the microwave driving frequency and fR the Rabi frequency. The Rabi frequencies of both qubits are set to the same value to simplify operation. To implement the CROT12 gate, where Q1 is the control qubit, and Q2 is the target qubit, we choose a driving frequency that is resonant with the corresponding transition frequency, i.e., fMW = f2,. By substituting B(t) into the Hamiltonian given in Eq. (1), transforming to the rotating frame (see “CROT simulation”) and neglecting far off-resonance terms using the rotating wave approximation (RWA), the Hamiltonian becomes23,30

$${H}_{{{{{\rm{CROT}}}}}_{12}}(t)=\frac{h}{2}\left(\begin{array}{cccc}0&{f}_{{{{\rm{R}}}}}&0&0\\ {f}_{{{{\rm{R}}}}}&0&0&0\\ 0&0&0&{f}_{{{{\rm{R}}}}}{e}^{-2i\pi Jt}\\ 0&0&{f}_{{{{\rm{R}}}}}{e}^{2i\pi Jt}&0\end{array}\right).$$

The upper-left 2-by-2 sub-block provides the desired controlled-rotation, while the lower-right 2-by-2 sub-block introduces error to the gate. Choosing \({f}_{{{{\rm{R}}}}}=J/\sqrt{15}\) cancels out the population transfer caused by the lower-right sub-block for the π and the half-π CROT, but two z-phases resulting from e±2iπJt terms will be accumulated in this sub-block. This results in a controlled-phase error which accumulates in the \(\left\vert \downarrow \downarrow \right\rangle\) and \(\widetilde{\left\vert \downarrow \uparrow \right\rangle }\) states23,30. We verify this source of error using GST experiments as we discuss later. We call these phase errors the off-resonant Hamiltonian phase errors since they are errors arising from the control Hamiltonian. We change the rotating frame by offsetting the microwave phase in the pulse sequence to account for the accumulated phase errors. This allows us to correct these off-resonant Hamiltonian phase errors.

Measuring the off-resonant Hamiltonian phase error

There are four calibration sequences used to measure the off-resonant Hamiltonian phase errors, one for each controlled-rotation pulse (see “Calibration sequences”). Two of the calibration sequences for control qubit Q1 and target qubit Q2 are shown in Fig. 2a, b. For target qubit Q1, the roles of Q1 and Q2 are swapped. The calibration sequence has three parts: First, the control qubit is prepared to the off-resonant state of the target gate, \(\left\vert \uparrow \right\rangle\) for the ZCROT and \(\left\vert \downarrow \right\rangle\) for the CROT. Next, we perform a Ramsey experiment with the target sequence inserted. We rotate the target qubit to the \((\left\vert \downarrow \right\rangle +\left\vert \uparrow \right\rangle )/\sqrt{2}\) state with a π/2 pulse. Then we apply the target gate of the sequence to accumulate phase error. We rotate the target qubit again to \(\left\vert \uparrow \right\rangle\) using a π/2 pulse with an offset θ in phase. Finally, we measure the spin-up probability P of the target qubit at the end of the sequence. We fit the sinusoidal modulation of P as a function of θ to get the phase shift associated with each calibration sequence, as shown in Fig. 2c. The fitted phase shifts are \(({\theta }_{{{{{\rm{ZCROT}}}}}_{12}},{\theta }_{{{{{\rm{CROT}}}}}_{12}},{\theta }_{{{{{\rm{ZCROT}}}}}_{21}},{\theta }_{{{{{\rm{CROT}}}}}_{21}})\)\(=(0.41\pm 0.025,-0.58\pm 0.02,0.43\pm 0.015,-0.49\pm 0.03)\,\,{{\mbox{rad}}}\,\), which show a distinct asymmetry between CROT12 (ZCROT12) and CROT21 (ZCROT21) sequences. We conduct simulations of the calibration sequences using the CROT Hamiltonian both with (without) using the RWA to neglect (include) the far off-resonant terms (see “CROT simulation” and Supplementary Figs. 3 and 4). We observe symmetric phase shifts when simulating with the RWA, but these phase shifts become asymmetric without the RWA. We simulate the phase shifts for different Zeeman energy difference δEz and observe the asymmetry increases when δEz decreases (see Supplementary Fig. 5). This indicates that the asymmetry arises from the far off-resonant terms, but further investigations are necessary.

Fig. 2: Calibration sequences for measuring the off-resonant Hamiltonian phase error.
figure 2

a, b Calibration sequences used to measure off-resonant Hamiltonian phase errors for ZCROT12 and CROT12, where X denotes a half-π rotation. For all the sequences see Supplementary Fig. 1. c Phase shifts in the calibration sequences. The spin-up probability measured in each calibration sequences are fitted with \(A\cos (\theta +{\theta }_{i})+B\) to obtain the phase shifts. With A the amplitude, B the offset, θ the phase of the second half-π pulses and θi the phase shift. d The off-resonant Hamiltonian phase error associated with each pulse. The phase error ϕm,σ associated with each transition frequency fm,σ will accumulate in the off-resonant state when applying each pulse. Here we introduce the += (−=) operators which add (subtract) the value on the right to (from) the variable on the left, a common syntax in modern programming languages. e Schematic of compensation procedure for the off-resonant Hamiltonian phase error for the example of the calibration sequence for CROT12. The phases accumulated on each basis states before the pulse is applied are shown in the columns. We then use this table to calculate the phase offset ϕoffset and subtract this offset from the applied pulses' microwave phase to compensate for the effect of off-resonant Hamiltonian phase error. f The measured phase shifts in the calibration sequences after the phase compensation, demonstrate a significant improvement to the uncompensated case shown in b.

The Hamiltonian in Eq. (2) implies that when a CROT12 gate is applied, the e±2iπJt terms result in phases accumulated in the \(\left\vert \downarrow \downarrow \right\rangle\) and \(\left\vert \downarrow \uparrow \right\rangle\) states. From the full CROT Hamiltonian it follows that phase is always accumulated in the states which the pulse is not acting on (see “CROT simulation”). Figure 2d shows the relation between the four pulses and their corresponding off-resonant Hamiltonian phase errors. To obtain the relation between the fitted phase shifts and the off-resonant Hamiltonian phase errors, we write down a table of phase errors accumulated on the four basis states along the sequence and obtain a relation between fitted phase shifts and the off-resonant Hamiltonian phase errors (see “Calibration sequences”). Using this relation and the phase shifts measured, we obtain the off-resonant Hamiltonian phase errors (ϕ1,, ϕ1,, ϕ2,, ϕ2,) = (−0.07 ± 0.03, 0.14 ± 0.02, −0.07 ± 0.03, 0.12 ± 0.03)rad. We note that the phase errors are time-independent coherent errors, and therefore, we can cancel the effect by characterizing the accumulated phases.

We use the measured off-resonant Hamiltonian phase errors to compensate for the unwanted phases accumulated in the calibration sequences. Figure 2e shows the procedure we use to compensate for the phase errors in the CROT12 sequence. We record all the phase errors at each step of the sequence. From these phase errors, we obtain the offset ϕoffset needed for each pulse to compensate for the effect of phase error, which is the phase accumulated on the states the pulse is acting on (see “Calibration sequences”). To compensate for the accumulated phase error, we subtract the accumulated phase from the microwave phase, which implements a virtual z-gate24. These virtual z-gates change the rotating frame according to the accumulated phase errors such that the effects on the qubit gates caused by the phase errors are canceled. Figure 2f shows the measured curves after compensating phase errors in the sequences. The fitted phase shifts after compensation are \(({\theta }_{{{{{\rm{ZCROT}}}}}_{12}}^{{\prime} },{\theta }_{{{{{\rm{CROT}}}}}_{12}}^{{\prime} },{\theta }_{{{{{\rm{ZCROT}}}}}_{21}}^{{\prime} },{\theta }_{{{{{\rm{CROT}}}}}_{21}}^{{\prime} })=(0.15\pm 0.03,-0.02\pm 0.03,0.08\pm 0.04,0.01\pm 0.04)\,\,{{\mbox{rad}}}\,\). After the phase compensation, all the phase shifts are reduced to ≤0.15rad ~9. We notice that there are still non-zero phase shifts in the two ZCROT sequences. This is also observed in simulation (see “CROT simulation” and Supplementary Fig. 3) from which we notice that this phase is not originating from the far off-resonant terms. This residual phase is only observed in sequences when both qubits are operated and its origin is not yet clear. A possible source for this residual phase could be a correlated gate error on Q2 (Q1) when applying gates acting on Q1 (Q2)19. Another potential source of these residual phase shifts is the AC-Stark shift. We compare our simulations with the AC-Stark shift (see Supplementary Fig. 5) and find that at low exchange coupling J the residual phase shifts \({\phi }_{{{{\rm{res}}}}}\propto {f}_{{{{\rm{R}}}}}^{2}/[2(\delta {E}_{{{{\rm{z}}}}}\pm J)]\) but deviate from the AC-Stark shift behavior at the experimental exchange coupling J = 18 MHz. This indicates that the residual phase shifts are not related to the AC-Stark shift effect, however, further investigations are required.

Compensation of the off-resonant Hamiltonian phase error

Next, we extend the use of the compensation procedure to general pulse sequences. Figure 3a shows the phase compensation procedure for general pulse sequence U1, U2, ..., UN. We keep a phase error table that records the phase errors accumulated on the four basis states and check the sequence pulse by pulse with this phase error table to obtain the phase offsets. Since the errors are time-independent, we can compensate for the phase errors pulse by pulse. For each applied pulse, we check the phase error, which is accumulated on the states on which the pulse acts on and offset the microwave phase correspondingly, as done in the previous section. We then add the phase error accumulated by the pulse to the phase error table and move on to the next pulse. This procedure is performed in software before the execution of the physical pulses. We emphasize that this method can also be implemented in real-time, e.g., on an FPGA using a phase counter2.

Fig. 3: Off-resonant Hamiltonian phase error compensation procedure and performance.
figure 3

a General off-resonant Hamiltonian phase error compensation procedure. We check the phase error table for phases accumulated in the relevant states for each pulse (1). We then subtract the offset from the microwave phase of the pulse (2). Finally, the phase error caused by the pulse is added to the phase error table and used to obtain the offsets for the following pulses (3). b Results of two-qubit randomized benchmarking with and without the compensation procedure. The RB without the compensation procedure shows an averaged primitive gate fidelity of 97.95 ± 0.11%. The compensation procedure increases this fidelity to 99.41 ± 0.02%. The error bars represent the standard error of the mean. c, d Coefficients of the CNOT12 gate error generator decomposition with and without compensation. The solid bars in the plot represent the experimental result, while the dashed bars represent the simulations. Large IZ and ZZ Hamiltonian components occur when the compensation procedure is not applied. The two dominant error terms in c are significantly reduced when applying the compensation procedure. Experiment and simulation results show good consistency. The error bars represent 1σ standard deviation from the mean.

To evaluate the performance of our calibration, we compare the pulse fidelity with and without the compensation by performing a two-qubit RB experiment18,23. We use 15 (59) different random sequences for the experiment without (with) the phase compensation protocol (see “Two-qubit randomized benchmarking”). Figure 3b shows measured RB decays. In the run without the compensation procedure, a Clifford fidelity of 94.73 ± 0.28% is obtained, corresponding to a primitive gate fidelity of 97.95 ± 0.11%. With the compensation procedure, we achieve a Clifford fidelity of 98.48 ± 0.06%, corresponding to primitive gate fidelity of 99.41 ± 0.02%. The increase in gate fidelity demonstrates that the compensation procedure has significantly reduced the errors in the pulses.

To get a more detailed report on the performance of the quantum gates, we conduct a GST experiment27,32 (see also “Gate-set Tomography”). Here, the GST experiment generates the two-qubit Pauli transformation matrix (PTM) of the implemented quantum gates, which describes how Pauli matrices are transformed under the quantum gate. The experimentally obtained PTM is then compared to the ideal PTM to get the error generator, which gives more specific gate error processes. By writing the error generator into a linear combination of terms representing different error processes, we can interpret the errors of our gates more intuitively33.

Figure 3c shows the Hamiltonian projections of the CNOT12 gate obtained by both experiment and simulated GST. The simulated data is obtained using an ideal Hamiltonian (see Eq. (2)) without introducing any noise (see “CROT Simulation”). Without the compensation, there are large errors in the IZ and ZZ Hamiltonian elements, both in simulation and experimental results. The consistency between the experiment and simulation shows the off-resonant Hamiltonian phase error considered in the Hamiltonian given in Eq. (2) is indeed the dominant error we measured in the experiment. The two terms are significantly suppressed when using the compensation procedure, as shown in Fig. 3d. Both experiment and simulation results exhibit this suppression, showing that the off-resonant Hamiltonian phase errors are understood and corrected as expected. The full GST gate metrics of the experiment with the phase error compensation protocol are shown in Supplementary Table 1.

After the phase compensation protocol, the CNOT12 gate still has an infidelity of ~0.5%. The precision of our GST result does not allow us to make a definite statement on whether the source of this infidelity is coherent Hamiltonian errors or incoherent stochastic errors. The correlated gate error mentioned in “Measuring the off-resonant Hamiltonian phase error” could be an indication that there are still Hamiltonian errors in our gate. Further investigations are required to determine whether the CNOT12 fidelity can be increased by compensating for this error.

Virtual CZ gate

Finally, we demonstrate the implementation of a virtual CZ gate with the compensation procedure, shown in Fig. 4a. In the compensation procedure, we use the phase error table to obtain the microwave phase offset for each pulse in the sequence U1, U2, . . . , UN. When a π phase is added to the \(\left\vert \uparrow \uparrow \right\rangle\) row, the following CROT12 pulses will acquire an additional π phase in the offset while the offsets of ZCROT12 pulses are unchanged. This results in a π phase difference between CROT12 and ZCROT12 pulses, which is effectively equivalent to a CZ12 gate.

Fig. 4: Virtual CZ.
figure 4

a Implementation of virtual CZ12. A virtual CZ12 is executed by adding a π phase to the \(\left\vert \uparrow \uparrow \right\rangle\) state in the table of phase error. Other controlled z-gates CZij can be implemented analogously. b Gate-set tomography result of the virtual CZ12 showing the PTM obtained with experimental (solid line bars) and simulated (dashed line bars) datasets. c Comparison of stochastic noise in different gates. The graph shows the dominant stochastic error generator component IZ for the I  I, X1 = X  I, and virtual CZ12. We implement the identity gate by idling both qubits for the duration of a π/2 gate time (62 ns), and X1 by applying a CROT21 and a ZCROT21 sequentially. Error bars represent the 1σ standard deviation from the mean.

To verify the virtual CZ12, we perform a GST experiment with the CZ12 gate-set. Figure 4b shows the estimated PTM of the virtual CZ12. The measured PTM is close to the ideal CZ12 and has a fidelity of 99.49 ± 0.08%, which shows that the virtual CZ12 gate is well implemented. The digital phase offset needed to perform a virtual CZ operation may not be exactly π. We anticipate that by using calibration sequences similar to the CROT sequences, we can measure the actual offset and further improve the fidelity of the virtual CZ12 gate.

One advantage of virtually implementing quantum gates is that the gate time is reduced to zero such that the qubits are not affected by dephasing. Figure 4c shows the IZ stochastic error component for I  I, X1 = X  I and virtual CZ12. We use the identity gate I  I, which idles both qubits for 62 ns to emulate the dephasing in a physical CZ gate. We find experimentally that IZ is the dominant component for these gates (see Supplementary Fig. 7). There is a large IZ stochastic term for the identity gate due to dephasing by residual nuclear spin or charge noise34. This term is reduced in X1 as the driven qubit is less affected by dephasing because the drive effectively acts as a filter function4,35,36,37. For the virtual CZ12, this noise is reduced to essentially zero, showing that the virtual CZ12 is indeed not affected by charge noise, as expected.

In regards to the virtual CZ12 gate, we note that in the GST analysis, there are two types of error generators associated with each gate: The intrinsic error generator, which commutes with the gate and the relational error generator, which does not21. The GST does not differentiate between relational error generators for different gates in a gate-set. Since the virtual CZ12 gate is implemented virtually, its infidelity might be assigned to the other physical gates through the relational error. We observed a higher error rate in the I, X1 and Y1 gates for the gate-set, which includes the virtual CZ12 (see Supplementary Table 2). This suggests that the error in the virtual CZ12 gate might be incorrectly attributed to the physical gates, such that the actual fidelity of the virtual CZ12 gate is slightly lower than stated. Additionally, we check the active and Pauli-correlation projections of the virtual CZ12 gate-set (see Supplementary Fig. 7). The active generators, when combined with stochastic Pauli generators, account for T1 relaxation process and are negligible in our result. The Pauli-correlation generators shift the error mechanism of the stochastic error. For example, changing the cX,Z projection shifts the stochastic error from independent bit- and phase-flip error to pure dephasing in the X + Z basis33. These correlation projections should satisfy the condition \(| {c}_{P,Q}| \le \sqrt{{s}_{Q}{s}_{P}}\), where sP, sQ are the stochastic Pauli projections, to make the stochastic error matrix positive semidefinite33. We observe that some of the Pauli-correlation projection terms violate this semidefinite condition in our result. These violations can be attributed to the large error bars in the stochastic projection terms or to the possibility that the GST estimation is not fully physical for this virtual CZ12 gate set. Further investigation and more precise GST measurements are needed to draw further conclusions regarding this issue.


Understanding the off-resonant Hamiltonian phase errors allows us to implement high-fidelity CROT gates systematically. With a better understanding of the origin of these phase errors, we can estimate the experimental phase shifts by numerical simulations (see Supplementary Figs. 3 and 4). The phase error compensation method also allows the implementation of a virtual CZ gate, which is useful in quantum circuits that use controlled-phase gates extensively. For example, the quantum Fourier transformation (QFT) circuit uses controlled-phase gates of several different rotation angles38. Our procedure is implementable on an FPGA, which tracks and corrects the phase offsets in real-time. Such a real-time approach is crucial for quantum circuits that cannot be pre-calculated before execution, e.g., for quantum error correction13,14 or real-time feedback initialization2.

In the original proposal of the CROT gate30,31, the exchange coupling is only turned on for the execution of the CROT and turned off for subsequent single-qubit operations. The pulse to control the exchange effectively results in a CPhase gate up to single-qubit z-rotations30. This exchange coupling pulse length can be calibrated such that the CPhase gate accumulates a controlled phase of one full rotation. A microwave pulse within this exchange pulse is applied to implement a CNOT gate up to single-qubit z-rotations30. In this case, we anticipate the off-resonant Hamiltonian phase errors discussed here can be canceled out by adjusting the exchange pulse time to control the accumulation of an extra-controlled phase.

The practical scalability of the exchange-always-on system remains an open question. For the three-qubit resonantly driven Toffoli gate in the exchange-controlled system, the extra conditional phase error can be removed by changing the timing of the exchange coupling pulse13,39. This exchange pulse accumulates additional, conditional phases and has the same effect as shifting the microwave phases. In a three-qubit exchange-always-on system, keeping track of all the transition frequencies becomes more challenging, and the calibration sequences for measuring the off-resonant Hamiltonian phase errors become more complicated. While further investigations are required, we anticipate that the procedure discussed here can also be used to calibrate the controlled rotations in a three-qubit exchange-always-on system.

In summary, we demonstrated a systematic way to calibrate high-fidelity CROT gates in an exchange-always-on two-qubit system. We present a calibration procedure to compensate for the Hamiltonian off-resonant phase errors in our CROT gates, allowing us to achieve universal single and two-qubit gate fidelities above the fault-tolerant threshold of 99%. Finally, we implement a virtual CZ gate using our phase error compensation protocol.


Calibration sequences

Supplementary Fig. 1 shows all four calibration sequences and the corresponding phase error table used to obtain the phase offsets. For the ZCROT12 sequence, the phase errors associated with the four states at the end of the sequence are

$${\phi }_{\uparrow \uparrow }=2{\phi }_{1,\downarrow }+2{\phi }_{2,\downarrow },$$
$${\phi }_{\uparrow \downarrow }=-2{\phi }_{1,\downarrow },$$
$${\phi }_{\downarrow \uparrow }=2{\phi }_{1,\uparrow }-2{\phi }_{2,\downarrow },$$
$${\phi }_{\downarrow \downarrow }=-2{\phi }_{1,\uparrow }.$$

The Ramsey sequence at the end measures the relative phase between the two off-resonant states of ZCROT12, the \(\left\vert \uparrow \downarrow \right\rangle\) and \(\left\vert \uparrow \uparrow \right\rangle\) state. Thus, the measured phase shift is

$${\theta }_{{{{{\rm{ZCROT}}}}}_{12}}={\phi }_{\uparrow \downarrow }-{\phi }_{\uparrow \uparrow }=-4{\phi }_{1,\downarrow }-2{\phi }_{2,\downarrow }.$$

Using a similar argument, we can write the phase shifts measured into a linear combination of the off-resonant Hamiltonian phase errors

$${\theta }_{{{{{\rm{ZCROT}}}}}_{12}}=-4{\phi }_{1,\downarrow }-2{\phi }_{2,\downarrow },$$
$${\theta }_{{{{{\rm{CROT}}}}}_{12}}=-4{\phi }_{1,\uparrow },$$
$${\theta }_{{{{{\rm{ZCROT}}}}}_{21}}=-2{\phi }_{1,\downarrow }-4{\phi }_{2,\downarrow },$$
$${\theta }_{{{{{\rm{CROT}}}}}_{21}}=-4{\phi }_{2,\uparrow }.$$

Solving these four equations gives the explicit form of the off-resonant Hamiltonian phase errors. The relation is

$$({\phi }_{1,\downarrow },{\phi }_{1,\uparrow },{\phi }_{2,\downarrow },{\phi }_{2,\uparrow })$$
$$=\left(\frac{-2{\theta }_{{{{{\rm{ZCROT}}}}}_{12}}+{\theta }_{{{{{\rm{ZCROT}}}}}_{21}}}{6},-\frac{{\theta }_{{{{{\rm{CROT}}}}}_{12}}}{4},\frac{{\theta }_{{{{{\rm{ZCROT}}}}}_{12}}-2{\theta }_{{{{{\rm{ZCROT}}}}}_{21}}}{6},-\frac{{\theta }_{{{{{\rm{CROT}}}}}_{21}}}{4}\right).$$

With the obtained off-resonant Hamiltonian phase errors, we write down a table of phase errors accumulated on each basis state before the pulse is applied. We calculate the offsets needed by

$${\phi }_{{{{\rm{offset}}}},ZCRO{T}_{12}}={\phi }_{\downarrow \downarrow }-{\phi }_{\downarrow \uparrow },$$
$${\phi }_{{{{\rm{offset}}}},CRO{T}_{12}}={\phi }_{\uparrow \downarrow }-{\phi }_{\uparrow \uparrow },$$
$${\phi }_{{{{\rm{offset}}}},ZCRO{T}_{21}}={\phi }_{\downarrow \downarrow }-{\phi }_{\uparrow \downarrow },$$
$${\phi }_{{{{\rm{offset}}}},CRO{T}_{21}}={\phi }_{\downarrow \uparrow }-{\phi }_{\uparrow \uparrow }.$$

Two-qubit randomized benchmarking

We choose sequence lengths L = (1, 8, 16, 23, 31) in our two-qubit randomized benchmarking experiment. For each length, we use 59 (15) different random sequences for the experiment with (without) the phase compensation protocol. We combined three datasets measured over a time span of one week, demonstrating the stability of our qubits. For each sequence, the probability is obtained by averaging 150 single-shot measurements. The gates in each sequence are randomly chosen from the two-qubit Clifford group, which contains 11520 elements40. We use a computer search to find the combinations of primitive gates (see Supplementary Fig. 2) to construct all two-qubit Clifford group elements18,23. At the end of the sequence, we search for the recovery gate, which projects the state into the target state \(\left\vert \uparrow \uparrow \right\rangle\) or \(\left\vert \downarrow \downarrow \right\rangle\). This results in two sequence fidelities F(n) and F(n). We fit the difference between two sequences F(n) = F(n) − F(n) with the formula F(n) = (At − Bt)pn where (At − Bt) is the visibility and absorbs the SPAM error and p is the depolarizing strength. The two-qubit Clifford gate fidelity is obtained by FC = (1 + 3p)/4. Each Clifford element is composed of 2.57 primitive gates on average. We, therefore, calculate the primitive gate fidelity as Fp = 1 − (1 − FC)/2.57.

CROT simulation

We start with the Hamiltonian given in Eq. (1) and transform the Hamiltonian into the rotating frame using

$${H}_{R}(t)=RH{R}^{{\dagger} }-\frac{ih}{2\pi }\frac{\partial R}{\partial t}{R}^{{\dagger} },$$

with \(R=\,{{\mbox{diag}}}\,({e}^{-2i\pi {E}_{{{{\rm{z}}}}}t},{e}^{-i\pi (-\delta {\tilde{E}}_{{{{\rm{z}}}}}-J)t},{e}^{-i\pi (\delta {\tilde{E}}_{{{{\rm{z}}}}}-J)t},{e}^{2i\pi {E}_{{{{\rm{z}}}}}t})\). The Hamiltonian in the rotating frame is then

$${H}_{R}(t)=\frac{h}{2}\left(\begin{array}{cccc}0&B(t){e}^{-2i\pi {f}_{2,\uparrow }t}&B(t){e}^{-2i\pi {f}_{1,\uparrow }t}&0\\ {B}^{* }(t){e}^{2i\pi {f}_{2,\uparrow }t}&0&0&B(t){e}^{-2i\pi {f}_{1,\downarrow }t}\\ {B}^{* }(t){e}^{2i\pi {f}_{1,\uparrow }t}&0&0&B(t){e}^{-2i\pi {f}_{2,\downarrow }t}\\ 0&{B}^{* }(t){e}^{2i\pi {f}_{1,\downarrow }t}&{B}^{* }(t){e}^{2i\pi {f}_{2,\downarrow }t}&0\end{array}\right),$$

with the effective EDSR magnetic field \(B(t)={f}_{{{{\rm{R}}}}}{e}^{+2i\pi {f}_{{{{\rm{MW}}}}}t+i\phi }\). We substitute this magnetic field into the rotating frame Hamiltonian and calculate the propagator. If the RWA is used, we set the elements in the far-off-resonant terms to zero before calculating the propagator.

We choose J = 18 MHz and \({f}_{{{{\rm{R}}}}}=J/\sqrt{15}\simeq 4.64\) MHz, which results in a π/2 gate time Tπ/2 53.8 ns. We compute the unitary propagator with this Hamiltonian by

$$\begin{array}{r}U({f}_{{{{\rm{MW}}}}},\phi )={{{\mathcal{T}}}}\exp \left(-\frac{i}{\hslash }\int\nolimits_{0}^{{T}_{\pi /2}}H({f}_{{{{\rm{MW}}}}},\phi ,t)dt\right),\end{array}$$

with \({{{\mathcal{T}}}}\) the time-ordering operator. By choosing the driving frequency fMW, we select which ZCROT or CROT is implemented. Changing the microwave phase ϕ changes the rotation angle of the pulse. This unitary is then used for simulating the implemented pulses.

Gate-set tomography

For the GST experiments, depending on the implemented gates in the system, a different target gate-set is chosen. This target gate-set is then used to compose a preparation and measurement gate-set and a set of germ sequences. The preparation- and measurement-fiducial gates are used to make tomographic measurements. These fiducial gates must be able to prepare and measure an information-complete set of states. The germ sequence in between is chosen from the germ set, which is amplificationally complete27 and, therefore capable of amplifying all possible errors that can occur during the gate operation.

We perform GST with the python package pyGSTi32. We use the default gate set provided by the pyGSTi package and the fiducial pair reduction function to reduce the number of sequences required. The CNOT12 gate-set contains {X1, Y1, X2, Y2, CNOT12}. The identity gate I is implemented by idling both qubits for a time of Tπ/2 = 62 ns. X1,2 (Y1,2) are π/2 rotations along the x-axis (y-axis) for Q1 or Q2, respectively. The 15 germs for this gate-set are {I, X1, Y1, X2, Y2, CNOT12, X1Y1, X2Y2, X1X1X1, X2X2X2, CNOT12X2X1X1, X1X2Y2X1Y2Y1, X1Y2X2Y1X2X2, Y1Y2X1Y1X1CNOT12, Y1X2Y2X1X2X1Y1Y2}, and the fiducial gates {null, X2, Y2, X2X2, X1, X1X2, X1Y2, X1X2X2, Y1, Y1X2, Y1Y2, Y1X2X2, X1X1, X1X1X2, X1X1Y2, X1X1X2X2}. In contrast to the identity gate I, the null gate has no physical idling time. We choose the sequence lengths L = (1, 2, 4, 8, 16), which results in a total of 1760 sequences. For the CZ12 gate-set which contains { I, X1, Y1, X2, Y2, CZ12}, the germs and fiducial gates are { I, X1, Y1, X2, Y2, CZ12, X1Y1 X2Y2, X1X1Y1, X2Y2CZ12, CZ12X2X1X1, X1X2Y2X1Y2Y1, X1Y2X2Y1X2X2, CZ12X2Y1CZ12Y2X1,Y1X1Y2X1X2X1Y1Y2 }, and {null, X2, Y2, X2X2, X1, X1X2, X1Y2, X1X2X2, Y1, Y1X2, Y1Y2, Y1X2X2, X1X1, X1X1X2, X1X1Y2, X1X1X2X2 }, which results in a total of 1644 sequences. All the gates used in the GST experiment are composed of CROT and ZCROT π/2 pulses and single-qubit z-rotations (see Supplementary Fig. 6). The sequences are executed on the device to gather outcome counts. After execution of these sequences, the measured spin-up and spin-down counts are analyzed with an H+S model (see “Error generators”) to obtain the PTMs \({G}_{\exp }\) of the gates. This PTM has the form

$${({G}_{\exp })}_{ij}=\frac{1}{d}\,{{\mbox{tr}}}\,[{P}_{i}G({P}_{j})],$$

where d is the Hilbert space dimension and Pi are the two-qubit Pauli operators. The estimated PTMs are then compared with the ideal PTMs to obtain the error generators through functions in the pyGSTi package.

To verify the assumption we made for the off-resonant Hamiltonian phase error, we also perform GST with simulated datasets. First, we take the sequences used in the experiment and calculate the corresponding series of unitary propagators with the ideal Hamiltonian. Then, we evolve the input ground state with this series of unitaries to obtain the final output state and calculate probabilities in each outcome to generate simulated counts. Finally, the simulated counts are analyzed in the same way as the experimental counts.

Error generators

For a noisy implementation \({G}_{\exp }\) of the ideal quantum gate Gideal, we can model the imperfect gate as

$${G}_{\exp }={{{\mathcal{E}}}}{G}_{{{{\rm{ideal}}}}},$$

which is an ideal quantum gate followed by some noise process \({{{\mathcal{E}}}}\). By inverting the ideal gate, we get the noise process as

$${{{\mathcal{E}}}}={G}_{\exp }{G}_{{{{\rm{ideal}}}}}^{-1}.$$

If we take the logarithm of this noise process and assume that noise is small i.e., \({{{\mathcal{E}}}}\simeq I\). Using the approximation \(\log X\simeq (X-I)\) with small (XI) we get the error generator33

$$L=\log ({G}_{\exp }{G}_{{{{\rm{ideal}}}}}^{-1})=\log {{{\mathcal{E}}}}\simeq {{{\mathcal{E}}}}-I,$$

which is the approximated difference between the noise process \({{{\mathcal{E}}}}\) and the identity. If the gate is noise-free, i.e., \({{{\mathcal{E}}}}=I\), then L = 0. This error generator can be written into a linear combination

$$+\mathop{\sum}\limits_{P,Q \,> \,P}{c}_{P,Q}{C}_{P,Q}+\mathop{\sum}\limits_{P,Q \,>\, P}{a}_{P,Q}{A}_{P,Q}.$$

The terms in the linear combination correspond to error generators representing different error processes. The error generators are divided into four categories, Hamiltonian generator HP, stochastic Pauli generator SP, Pauli-correlation generator CP,Q and active generator AP,Q. We use the H+S model of pyGSTi package21,32, which only contains Hamiltonian and stochastic Pauli errors which have clear physical meanings. The Hamiltonian error generators represent a systematic over- or under-rotation of the qubit state on the Bloch sphere in one of the rotation axes. On the other hand, the stochastic Pauli generators represent the contraction to one of the axes of the qubit Bloch sphere. The coefficient of these error generator terms is obtained by33

$${h}_{P}=-\frac{i}{{d}^{2}}\,{{\mbox{Tr}}}\,\left[(P\otimes I-I\otimes P)L\right],$$

where P is the two-qubit Pauli matrices. We extract these coefficients using internal functions in the pyGSTi package. These coefficients can be used to calculate the Jamiolkowski probability ϵJ(L) and the Jamiolkowski amplitude θJ(L), which gives the amount of incoherent and coherent errors, respectively. For an error generator L being decomposed into list of {hP, sP} coefficients, these two metrics are33

$${\epsilon }_{J}(L)=\,{{\mbox{tr}}}\,[{\rho }_{J}(L)(I-\left\vert {{\Psi }}\right\rangle \left\langle {{\Psi }}\right\vert )]=\mathop{\sum}\limits_{P}{s}_{P},$$
$${\theta }_{J}(L)=\parallel (I-\left\vert {{\Psi }}\right\rangle \left\langle {{\Psi }}\right\vert ){\rho }_{J}(L)\left\vert {{\Psi }}\right\rangle \parallel ={\left(\mathop{\sum}\limits_{P}{h}_{P}^{2}\right)}^{1/2}.$$

The Jamiolkowski probability and Jamiolkowski amplitude can be used to approximate the averaged gate infidelity related to error generator L. For small errors, the approximated average gate infidelity is33

$$r=\frac{d}{d+1}[{\epsilon }_{J}(L)+{\theta }_{J}{(L)}^{2}].$$