

For the seventy-fifth anniversary special issue of Theatre Journal, it is appropriate to look back to a transition moment in the journal’s history, even if that moment is not very far in the journal’s past. This essay outlines the history behind the establishment of Theatre Journal’s online platform which was launched in 2016. It explores the ways in which Theatre Journal is prepared for a turn towards research that deals with theatre grappling with digital technologies as well as research that deploys digital theatre methodologies, even if such a turn has been a little slower in coming than some researchers may have anticipated. The essay argues the case for the place of such a platform to supplement, reinforce, and showcase research that may not be readily able to be accommodated within the covers of the conventional print essay format of the journal. Likewise it outlines the importance of accommodating materials that may not otherwise be accessible. It also remarks on the multiple ways in which accessibility has come to assist in the shaping of this section of the journal.

