1 Introduction

Recently, car-sharing has gained popularity as a convenient mode of transportation. Customers make reservations for their rides, and car-sharing companies provide vehicles for a specified duration to fulfill these requests. This trend addresses the increasing demand for urban mobility while optimizing the use of urban space. Car-sharing has emerged as a prominent transportation service, offering customers the flexibility to book rides in advance. These bookings are made within a certain time frame before the requested start time, providing customers with greater flexibility compared to fixed-time bookings. Furthermore, the adoption of shared cars helps reduce the reliance on private vehicles, offering solutions to traffic congestion and environmental concerns (The future of driving 2012). As a result, the car-sharing problem has become a crucial area of study within the field of operations research.

Our study focused on optimizing the maximum number of satisfied customer requests. These ride requests are submitted prior to their desired start times. Additionally, the time at which a request is booked varies and falls within a specified time window before the request’s start time. This flexible booking approach offers customers greater convenience compared to fixed booking schedules. We refer to this scenario as CSV (Car-Sharing with Variable booking times), and in this paper, we delve into the study of CSV. Specifically, we analyze the competitive ratio of two algorithms: the Greedy Algorithm, and the Parted Greedy Algorithm. Our analysis encompasses both general graphs and a specialized path graph.


This work expanded the work of Liu et al. (2019). Our main contribution are summarized as follows.

  • For CSV on general networks, we gave a precise upper bound and lower bound, which improved the known results.

  • Compared with the conference paper, we studied a new subproblem, which is CSV on a path. We proposed a new algorithm named Part Greedy Algorithm, which had a well performence on both CSV on general networks and CSV on a path.

1.1 Related work

The offline car-sharing problem was initially investigated by Böhmová et al. (2016). In a general graph, there are a number of requests, each specified by a pick-up time, a pick-up location, and a drop-off location. The scheduler must decide whether to accept or decline each request and efficiently schedule the accepted requests. Böhmová et al. demonstrated that the car-sharing problem, which aims to maximize the accepted requests, can be solved in polynomial time. They also explored a problem variant in which each customer submits two ride requests in opposite directions. The scheduler faces the choice of either serving both requests or declining both. In this variant, Böhmová et al. proved that maximizing the number of satisfied customers is both NP-hard and APX-hard.

In the online car-sharing problem, algorithms face the challenge of making immediate decisions to accept or reject each request without having access to future information. Once a decision is made, it cannot be reversed. Due to the inherent uncertainty of the problem, it is often impossible to achieve the best possible solution. The competitive ratio serves as a performance measure, representing the ratio between the values of the algorithm’s solution and an optimal offline solution for the most challenging inputs. The online car-sharing problem has been the subject of extensive research in various scenarios. This includes different types of graphs, such as two-location scenarios (Luo et al. 2018a, b, c; Li et al. 2020), star networks (Luo et al. 2019), varying numbers of servers (ranging from one server (Luo et al. 2018a) to two servers (Luo et al. 2018b) and k servers (Luo et al. 2018c, 2019; Li et al. 2020), and variations in request attributes (such as variable booking times or fixed booking times, where the interval between booking time and start time remains constant across all rides Liu et al. 2019). In most cases, researchers have successfully matched upper and lower bounds. For instance, in the two-location problem (Luo et al. 2018c), it was established that no deterministic algorithm can achieve a competitive ratio smaller than 1.5 for the fixed booking time variant and 5/3 for the flexible booking time variant. To address this challenge, they introduced the balanced greedy algorithm (BGA), which achieves the best possible competitive ratio. In another study (Luo et al. 2019), inspired by car-sharing applications between airports and hotels, the authors explored online scheduling problems. They considered both the unit travel time variant and the arbitrary travel time variant. In the unit travel time variant, the travel time between the airport and any hotel is a fixed value t. They devised a 2-competitive algorithm for scenarios where the length of the booking interval (the time between pick-up and booking) is at least t and the number of servers is even. In the arbitrary travel time variant, the travel time between the airport and a hotel falls within the range of t to Lt where L is greater than or equal to 1 and represents the ratio of the longest to the shortest travel time. They demonstrated that the competitive ratio of the algorithm is \(O(\log L)\) when the number of servers is at least \(\log L\). For both variants, they established matching lower bounds on the competitive ratio for any deterministic online algorithm. In our research, we expand this problem to encompass more general graphs.

Another extensively studied problem is online interval scheduling. The online car-sharing problem can be redefined as an interval scheduling problem when all pick-up and drop-off locations are the same. In this context, each car can be seen as a machine, and each interval corresponds to a ride request. The interval’s starting time corresponds to the pick-up time of a specific request, while the ending time corresponds to the drop-off time of that request. A feasible solution involves scheduling intervals on machines in such a way that the selected intervals on a machine do not overlap. Lipton and Tomkins (1994) conducted research on this problem in a one-machine setting. They demonstrated that no randomized algorithm can achieve a competitive ratio better than \(O(\log \varDelta )\), where \(\varDelta \) represents the ratio between the longest and shortest intervals, and it is unknown to the algorithm. Additionally, they presented an \(O((\log \varDelta )^\epsilon )\)-competitive randomized algorithm to address this challenge.

Another problem closely related to our setting is the online ride-sharing problem (Guo and Luo 2022) and the online dial-a-ride problem (OLDARP). The online dial-a-ride problem can be viewed as a version of the online car-sharing problem without booking times. In OLDARP, the objective is to minimize the makespan or minimize the maximum flow time (Krumke et al. 2005). The key distinction lies in OLDARP, where all requests must be serviced as soon as possible, whereas in the online car-sharing problem, orders need to be serviced at specific times. For a more detailed exploration of these problems, interested readers can refer to Christman et al. (2018).

1.2 Paper outline

We formulate and analyze the online car-sharing problem with variable booking times on two graphs: CSV on a path and CSV on a general graph. We propose two algorithms, the Greedy Algorithm (GA) and the Parted Greedy Algorithm (PGA). We formulate the results of this paper in Table 1: For CSV on a general graph, no deterministic online algorithm can achieve a competitive ratio smaller than \(L+1\), and we prove that GA is \((3L+1)\)-competitive, PGA is \((\frac{5}{2}L+10)\)-competitive when \(k\ge \frac{5}{4}L+20\); For CSV on a path, no deterministic online algorithm can achieve a competitive ratio smaller than \(L+1\), and we prove that GA is \((3L+1)\)-competitive, PGA is \((2L+10)\)-competitive when \(k\ge L+20\).

Table 1 Results and theorems for the online car-sharing problem with variable booking times

The rest of the paper is organized as follows. We give the preliminaries in Sect. 2. In Sect. 3, we present the lower bounds on the competitive ratio for CSV on a path. In Sect. 4, we propose two algorithms: the Greedy Algorithm and the Parted Greedy Algorithm, and prove the competitive ratios. Section 5 concludes the results of this work.

2 Preliminaries

Notation. We consider a setting with a graph \(G=(V,E)\) with edge length \(\ell : E\rightarrow _{\ge 0}\). For an edge \((p, q)\in E\) (p and q are two vertices in V), \(\ell (p, q)\) represents the distance (also, the travel time) between p and q; for convenience of representation, for \(\{p,q\} \notin E\), let \(\ell (p, q)\) denote the shortest travel time between p and q. We assume that each travel time \(\ell (p,q)\) is non-negative and symmetric in our setting. There are k cars denoted by \(S=\{s_1,s_2,\ldots ,s_k\}\), which will ride on the graph G. Assume that all the cars initially are at one location (in fact, the initial car locations do not affect our results). Let \(R=\{r_1,r_2,\ldots ,r_n\}\) denote a request sequence, where request \(r_i\) is specified by the booking time \(b_i\), the pick-up time (start time) \(t_i\), the pick-up location \(p_i\in V \) and the drop-off location \({\dot{p}}_i\in V \), i.e., \( r_i=\{b_i, t_i, p_i, {\dot{p}}_i\}\). According to the definition of travel time, the drop-off time of each request \(r_i\) satisfies \({\dot{t}}_i=t_i+t(p_i, {\dot{p}}_i)\). In our setting, suppose that the shortest travel time between two locations is t, and the longest travel time is Lt, i.e., the longest request is at most L times the length of the shortest request. Customer requests arrive online. When a request is arrive, we need to decide whether to accept it or not immediately and irrevocably, without knowledge of future informations. When a request is accepted, it is not necessary to deciede which car is assigned to serve it immediately. We only need to avoid the condition that no car could serve the request at the start time of it.

With respect to constraint on the booking times, one can consider the car-sharing problem with variable booking times. In this problem, customers may book a request at any time of an interval before the start time of the request, i.e. \(b_l \le t_i-b_i \le b_u\) with \(b_l<b_u\) holds for request \(r_i\in R\). In this paper, we assume \(b_l \ge Lt\) to ensure that an empty car is available for serving any arriving request. Once we accept a request \(r_i\), we must assign a car to pick up the customer at \(p_i\) on \(t_i\), and then drop off the customer at \({\dot{p}}_i\) on \({\dot{t}}_i\). Each car can serve one request at a time. Our aim is to accept the maximum number of requests.

In our problem, we require algorithms to decide either to accept or reject a request immediately when it arrives. Usually, we do not require that the algorithm assigns an accepted request to a specific car immediately, provided that it ensures that some cars could serve this request. In this paper, however, it is not necessary for an algorithm to use this flexibility. Our algorithm assigns a request immediately when it is accepted.

Note that two requests, \( r_i\) and \(r_j\) (w.l.o.g, suppose \(t_{i}\le t_{j}\)), can be served by one car only if there is enough time to reach the pick-up location of \(r_j\) after serving request \(r_i\), i.e., \(t_j\ge {\dot{t}}_i+\ell ({\dot{p}}_i, p_j)\). If two requests can not be served by one car, we say that the two requests are in conflict, which will be of use in Sect. 3 and Sect. 4.

Methods. For an arbitrary algorithm ALG, the property of ALG is evaluated by its competitive ratio (Borodin and El-Yaniv 1998). For any sequence of requests R, let \(OPT_R\) denote the objective value produced by an optimal scheduler OPT, where OPT has full information about R in advance, and \(ALG_R\) denote the objective value produced by an online deterministic algorithm A. The competitive ratio of algorithm A is defined by \(\rho _{A} \), which is shown by \(\rho _{A}=\sup _R \frac{OPT_R}{ALG_R}\), and A is \(\rho _A\)-competitive. For a problem, we say \(\beta \) is the lower bound on the best possible competitive ratio if \(\rho _A \ge \beta \) for all \(A \in ON \), where \( ON \) is the set of all online deterministic algorithms. We say an algorithm A is optimal if \(\rho _A=\beta \).

In the whole paper, we use ALG to denote any online algorithm, and we use OPT to denote an optimal scheduler. For any sequence of requests R, the set of requests accepted by ALG is denoted by \(R'\), the set of requests accepted by OPT is denoted by \(R^*\).

3 Lower bounds

In this section, we present a lower bound for CSV on a special graph of a path.

Recall that t is the shortest travel time, and Lt is the longest travel time among all the requests. We consider a path with \(m+1\) locations \(\{0,1,2,\cdots ,m\}\). The travel time between any two locations i and j satisfies \(\ell (i,j)=t \cdot |i-j|\) for \(0\le i,j \le m\), as shown in Fig. 1. Note that on such a path, the travel time of any request is at most \(m\cdot t\) and at least t, hence we have \(L=m\).

Fig. 1
figure 1

Illustration of the path with \(m+1\) locations

Our strategy to obtain a lower bound is to ensure that most of the ALG cars each accepts exactly one request which is in conflict with the future requests. The adversary presents requests in m phases, where phase i (\(1\le i\le m\)) includes \(l_i\) groups of requests (where \(l_i\) will be specified later). Let \(R_{i,j}\) (\(1\le i\le m\), \(1\le j\le l_i\)) denote the set of requests in phase i group j. \(R_{i,j}\) consists of k identical requests, which is denoted by \(r_{i,j}\).

Now we place three principles for the adversary to release requests:

  1. (a)

    Any two requests in the same phase are in conflict;

  2. (b)

    In any two phases i and g (\(i<g\)), any request in the last group of phase i, i.e. \(R_{i,l_i}\), and a request in phase g are not in conflict;

  3. (c)

    In any two phases i and g (\(i<g\)), any request in phase i, except for requests in \(R_{i,l_i}\), is in conflict with requests in phase g.

Let \(k_{i,j}\) denote the number of requests accepted by ALG in \(R_{i,j}\). Notice that any two requests in \(R_{i,j}\) are in conflict, thus \(k_{i,j}\) is also the number of cars that ALG uses to serve the accepted requests in \(R_{i,j}\).

Next, we will specify the request instance in the following Theorem 1.

Theorem 1

No deterministic online algorithm for CSV on a special graph of a path can achieve a competitive ratio smaller than \(L+1\), where L is the ratio of the longest request to the shortest request.


Suppose that \(\nu \in {\mathbb {N}}\) and \(\nu \cdot t-b_u\ge Lt\). To show the lower bound for CSV, the adversary releases requests based on the rules shown in Algorithm 1.

Algorithm 1
figure a

Releasing rule

In Algorithm 1, when a group of requests \(R_{i,j}\) is presented, If ALG accepts no request in \(R_{i,j}\), i.e., \(k_{i,j}=0\), the adversary ends the current phase and releases reqeusts in \(R_{i+1,1}\); if ALG accepts any request in \(R_{i,j}\), i.e., \(k_{i,j}>0\), then the adversary releases requests in \(R_{i,j+1}\), the subsequent group of \(R_{i,j}\) (see line 5).

Now we specify the requests in \(R_{i,j}\). For each request \(r_{i,j}\), we set \({\dot{p}}_{i,j}=p_{i,j}+1\). Thus when we specify \(r_{i,j}\), we can ignore the drop-off location. Request \(r_{i,j}\) is specified as following:

  • \(R_{1,1}\) consists of k copies of the request \(r_{1,1}\), where \(b_{1,1}=\nu \cdot t-b_u\), \(t_{1,1}=\nu \cdot t\), \(p_{1,1}=0\);

  • \(R_{i,1}\) (\(i>1\)) consists of k copies of the request \( r_{i,1}\) with booking time \(b_{i,1}=t_{i,1}-b_u\), start time \(t_{i,1}=t_{i-1,l_{i-1}}+t+\frac{k}{k+1}\cdot \frac{\min \{b_u-b_l,t\}}{(k+1)^i}\) and pick-up location \(p_{i,1}=i-1\);

  • \(R_{i,j}\) (\(i\ge 1\), \(j>1\)) consists of k copies of the request \(r_{i,j}\) with booking time \(b_{i,j}=b_{i,1}\), start time \(t_{i,j}=t_{i,1}-(j-1)\cdot \frac{\min \{b_u-b_l,t\}}{(k+1)^{i+1}}\), and pick-up location \(p_{i,j}=i-1\).

Firstly, we state that the requests in phase i group j are reasonable: each request \(r_{i,j}\) is released no later than \(b_u+b_{i,j}\) and no earlier than \(b_l+b_{i,j}\). Observe that there are m phases and each phase consists of no more than \(k+1\) groups, in phase i group j (\(j\le l_i\le k+1\)), since \(b_{i,j}=b_{i,1}\) and \(t_{i,j}=t_{i,1}-(j-1)\cdot \frac{\min \{b_u-b_l,t\}}{(k+1)^{i+1}}\), we have \(t_{i,j}-b_{i,j}=b_u-(j-1)\cdot \frac{\min \{b_u-b_l,t\}}{(k+1)^{i+1}}\). Thus we know that \(b_l \le t_{i,j}-b_{i,j} \le b_u\) since \(1\le j\le k+1\).

Note that the requests are presented in order of phases, and the requests in the same phase are presented in order of groups: In phase i group j and phase i group h (\(1\le h<j\)), since \(b_{i,j}=b_{i,h}\), we know that the requests in one phase can be presented in order of groups. For any two consecutive phases \(i-1 \) and i (\(1< i\le m\)), since \(t_{i,1}=t_{i-1,l_{i-1}}+t+\frac{k}{k+1}\cdot \frac{\min \{b_u-b_l,t\}}{(k+1)^i}\), we have \(b_{i,1}= t_{i,1}-b_u> t_{i-1,l_{i-1}}+t-b_u\). Observe that \(t_{i-1,l_{i-1}}+t\ge t_{i-1,1}\), we have \(b_{i,1}> t_{i-1,1}-b_u= b_{i-1,1}\). It means that the requests are presented in order of phases.

Next, we state that the requests satisfy the three principles.

For any two groups \(j,h \in \{1,2,\ldots ,l_i\}\) in phase i with \(j\ge h\), we have \(t_{i,j}=t_{i,1}-(j-1)\cdot \frac{\min \{b_u-b_l,t\}}{(k+1)^{i+1}}\). And we know that \(0< t_{i,h}-t_{i,j}=(j-h)\cdot \frac{\min \{b_u-b_l,t\}}{(k+1)^i}< t\). Notice that \({\dot{p}}_{i,j}={\dot{p}}_{i,h}=i\), \(p_{i,j}=p_{i,h}=i-1\), we have \(\ell ({\dot{p}}_{i,h},p_{i,j})=t\). Hence \( t_{i, h}< t_{i,j}< t_{i,h}+t<{\dot{t}}_{i,h}+\ell ({\dot{p}}_{i,h},p_{i,j})\). It means that two requests \(r_{i,h}\) and \(r_{i,j}\) are in conflict, which satisfies principle (a).

For phase \(i+1\) group h (\(1\le h\le l_{i+1}\le k+1\)), we have \(t_{i+1,h}=t_{i,l_i}+t+\frac{k+1-h}{k+1}\cdot \frac{\min \{b_u-b_l,t\}}{(k+1)^{i+1}}\). Observe that \({\dot{p}}_{i,l_i}=p_{i+1,h}\), we have \(\ell ({\dot{p}}_{i,l_i},p_{i+1,h})=0\), and hence \(t_{i+1,h}>{\dot{t}}_{i,l_i}+\ell ({\dot{p}}_{i,l_i},p_{i+1,h})\). It means that any request in the last group of phase i and a request in phase \(i+1\) group h (\(h>1\)) are not in conflict, which satisfies principle (b). For phase i group j (\(1\le j< l_i\)), \(t_{i, l_i} +t \ge t_{i,j}\ge t_{i,l_i}+\frac{1}{k+1}\cdot \frac{\min \{b_u-b_l,t\}}{(k+1)^i}\), we have \(t_{i, j}\le t_{i+1,h}\le t_{i,j}+t-\frac{h}{k+1}\cdot \frac{\min \{b_u-b_l,t\}}{(k+1)^{i+1}}\) since \(t_{i+1,h}=t_{i,l_i}+t+\frac{k+1-h}{k+1}\cdot \frac{\min \{b_u-b_l,t\}}{(k+1)^{i+1}}\). Observe that \({\dot{p}}_{i,j}=p_{i+1,h}\), we have \(\ell ({\dot{p}}_{i,j},p_{i+1,h})=0\), and hence \(t_{i+1,h}<{\dot{t}}_{i,j}+\ell ({\dot{p}}_{i,j},p_{i+1,h})\) since \(h<k+1\). It means that any other requests (except the requests in the last group of phase i) in phase i and a request in phase \(i+1\) group h are in conflict, which satisfies principle (c) (Fig. 2 shows an example).

Fig. 2
figure 2

Illustration of requests \(r_{i,l_i-1}\), \(r_{i,l_i}\) and requests in phase \(i+1\)

In the end, we analyze the number of requests accepted by ALG and OPT. Observe that ALG accepts no request in \(R_{i,j}\) (\(\forall 1\le i\le m+1, j=l_i\)) (see line 4). Since there are k cars in our problem, and any two requests accepted by ALG are in conflict based on principles (a) and (c), we have \(|R'|\le k\). Meanwhile, based on the principle (b), any two requests in the last group of two different phases are not in conflict, i.e., a request in \(R_{i,l_i}\) and a request in \(R_{h,l_h} \) are not in conflict. Thus, OPT accepts all requests in \(R_{i,l_i}\) for all \(1\le i\le m+1\), i.e., \( |R^*|=k \cdot (m+1)\), and hence we get \(|R^*|/|R'|\ge L+1\) (\(L=m\)). \(\square \)

By Theorem 1, we have the following Theorem:

Theorem 2

No deterministic online algorithm for CSV on general graphs can achieve a competitive ratio smaller than \(L+1\).

4 Upper bounds

We formulated two algorithms: the Greedy Algorithm (GA) and the Parted Greedy Algorithm (PGA) for CSV on both the special graph of a path and general graphs. We prove that for CSV on a path, GA is \((3L+1)\)-competitive and PGA is \((2L+10)\)-competitive; for CSV on general graphs, GA is \((3L+1)\)-competitive and PGA is \((\frac{5}{2}L+10)\)-competitive.

For the sake of analysis, let \(S'\) and \(S^*\) denote the sets of cars in the algorithm and OPT. Consider a sequence \(R=\{r_1, \dots , r_n\}\). Let \(R'\subseteq R\) denote the set of requests accepted by our algorithm, and \(R^*\subseteq R\) denote the set of requests accepted by OPT. Let \({\bar{R}}\) be the set of requests accepted by OPT that are not accepted by the algorithm. For each car \(s_e^*\in S^*\), let \({\bar{R}}_e\) be the requests in \({\bar{R}}\) and accepted by the car \(s_e^*\). Observe that \(\sum _{s_{e}*\in S^*} |{\bar{R}}_e|=|{\bar{R}}|\).

We claim that for each \({\bar{R}}_e\in {\bar{R}}\) and for any car \(s'_j\in S'\), we have \(|{\bar{R}}_e|\le \alpha \cdot |R'_j {\setminus } R^*_e|\), where \(R'_j\) is the set of requests accepted by car \(s'_j \in S'\), and \(R^*_e\) is the set of requests accepted by car \(s^*_e \in S^*\). If this claim holds, since \(R^* {\setminus } {\bar{R}} = R^*\cap R'\), we get that

$$\begin{aligned} |R^*|=&\sum _{s_{e}*\in S^*} |{\bar{R}}_e| +|R^* \cap {\bar{R}}| \\ \le&\sum _{j=1}^{k} \alpha |R_j' \setminus R_e^*|+|R^*\cap R'| \\ =&\alpha |R' \setminus R^*| + |R^*\cap R'|\\ \le&\alpha |R'| \end{aligned}$$

with \(\alpha \ge 1\).

To prove the above claim, we will adapt the “charging scheme", which is similar to lemma 9 in Luo et al. (2019). The difference here is that the requests in this paper have variable booking times, instead of fixed booking times, and thus we need to consider the number of requests which do not intersect with the “charging interval" at any time point, not just the start times. For completeness, we define the “charging interval" as follows.

For any request \(r_i=(b_i,t_i,p_i,{\dot{p}}_i)\), we can find a time interval \((\alpha _i,\beta _i)\) of \(r_i\), such that another request \(r_j\) is in conflict with \(r_i\) only if \((t_j,{\dot{t}}_j)\cap (\alpha _i,\beta _i) \ne \emptyset \), for any request \(r_j=(b_j,t_j,p_j,{\dot{p}}_j)\). Notice that \((t_j,{\dot{t}}_j)\cap (\alpha _i,\beta _i)=\emptyset \) means that either \({\dot{t}}_i< \alpha _i\) or \(t_i> \beta _i\) holds. We call the time interval \((\alpha _i,\beta _i)\) an occupy interval of \(r_i\). For a request \(r_i\), the occupy interval \((\alpha _i,\beta _i)\) is non-unique, we concern on the occupy interval \((\alpha _i,\beta _i)\) with a proper length.

Firstly, we consider the occupy interval of any request \(r_i=(b_i,t_i,p_i,{\dot{p}}_i)\) on general graphs. Recall that the longest travel time is Lt. For any request \(r_j\), observe that if \(t_j>{\dot{t}}_i+Lt\), the Lt time units is sufficient for a car to make an empty movement from \({\dot{p}}_i\) to \(p_j\), which means the two requests \(r_i\) and \(r_j\) are not in conflict since a car may serve both requests. Similarly, if \({\dot{t}}_j<t_i-Lt\), \(r_i\) and \(r_j\) are not in conflict. Thus we have the following observation.

Observation 1

For CSV on a general graph, for any request \(r_i=(b_i,t_i,p_i,{\dot{p}}_i)\), \((t_i-Lt,{\dot{t}}_i+Lt)\) is an occupy interval of \(r_i\), and the length of the occupy interval is \(2Lt+{\dot{t}}_i-t_i\).

For CSV on a special graph of a path, we have the following lemma.

Lemma 1

For any request \(r_i=(b_i,t_i,p_i,{\dot{p}}_i)\) in CSV on a path, we can find an occupy interval \((\alpha _i,\beta _i)\), where the length of the occupy interval is as following

$$\begin{aligned} \beta _i-\alpha _i=\max \{Lt+2({\dot{t}}_i-t_i), 2Lt\}. \end{aligned}$$


Consider a special graph of path \(G=(V, E)\) where \(V=\{v_1, v_2, \ldots , v_n\} \) and \(E=\{e_1, e_2,\ldots , e_{n-1}\}\) with \(e_i=\{v_i, v_{i+1}\}\) for all \(i\in [n-1]\). We assume that \(\min _{v_i, v_j\in V} \ell (v_i, v_j)=t\) and \(\max _{v_i, v_j\in V} \ell (v_i, v_j)=Lt \).

Now for any request \(r_i=(b_i,t_i,p_i,{\dot{p}}_i)\), suppose \(\ell (v_1,p_i)=p t\) and \(\ell (v_1,{\dot{p}}_i)=qt\) with \(p<q\) (See Fig. 3 as an example). Then we can construct an interval \((\alpha _i,\beta _i)\) as following:

\(\cdot \):

\(\alpha _i = t_i- \max \{pt, Lt-pt\}\),

\(\cdot \):

\(\beta _i = {\dot{t}}_i+ \max \{qt, Lt-qt\}\).

It is not difficult to show that \((\alpha _i,\beta _i)\) is an occupy interval of \(r_i\). We assume that there is a request \(r_j\) which is in conflict with \(r_i\) and \( (t_j, {\dot{t}}_j) \cap (\alpha _i,\beta _i) = \emptyset \). Since request \(r_j\) and \(r_i\) are in conflict, we have either \(t_j< t_i< {\dot{t}}_j+ \ell (p_i, {\dot{p}}_j) \) or \(t_i< t_j < {\dot{t}}_i+ \ell (p_j, {\dot{p}}_i) \). Furthermore, either \({\dot{t}}_j > t_i - \ell (p_i, {\dot{p}}_j) \ge \alpha _i \) or \(t_j < {\dot{t}}_i+ \ell (p_j, {\dot{p}}_i) \le \beta _i \), and thus \( (t_j, {\dot{t}}_j) \cap (\alpha _i,\beta _i) \ne \emptyset \), which derives a contradiction.

Consider the values of \(\max \{pt, Lt-pt\}\) and \(\max \{qt, Lt-qt\}\), we separate three cases to show the length of \((\alpha _i,\beta _i)\):

  1. 1.

    When \(pt\ge Lt-pt\) and \(qt\ge Lt-qt\), \(\beta _i-\alpha _i=(p+q+q-p)t=2qt\);

  2. 2.

    When \(pt\le Lt-pt\) and \(qt\le Lt-qt\), \(\beta _i-\alpha _i=(L-p+L-q+q-p)t=2(L-p_i)t \);

  3. 3.

    When \(pt\le Lt-pt\) and \(qt \ge Lt-qt\), \(\beta _i-\alpha _i=(L-p+q+q-p)t=(L+2(q-p))t \).

We can see that for the first two cases (case 1, case 2), the length of the occupy interval is no greater than 2Lt since \(p t\le Lt\) and \(q t\le Lt\) hold, and for the case 3, the length of the occupy interval is no greater than \(Lt+2({\dot{t}}_i-t_i)\). \(\square \)

Fig. 3
figure 3

Illustration of the request \(r_{i}=(b_i, t_i, p_i, {\dot{p}}_i)\) and its occupy interval \((\alpha _{i}, \beta _{i})\)

Before introducing the algorithms, we present the following lemma which will be used to bound the number of requests in the charging scheme analysis.

Lemma 2

For a given bipartite graph \(G=(U,V,E)\), if each vertex \(v \in V\) is adjacent to at most \(m_1\) vertices of U, and each vertex \(u \in U\) is adjacent to at least \(m_2\) vertices of V, then we have \(|V|\ge |U|\frac{m_2}{m_1}\).

The proof is quite simple: Since each vertex \(u\in U\) is adjacent to at least \(m_2\) vertices of V, there are at least \(|U| \cdot m_2\) edges in the graph G, i.e., \(|E|\ge |U|\cdot m_2\). Meanwhile, since each vertex \(v \in V\) is adjacent to at most \(m_1\) vertices in U, then |V| is no less than \(|E|/m_1\). Therefore, we have \(|V|\ge |U|\frac{m_2}{m_1}\).

4.1 Greedy algorithm

In this section, we formulate a Greedy Algorithm (GA) for CSV on general graphs, and prove that GA is \((3L+1)\)-competitive. GA can be stated in a simple way: When a request \(r_i\) arrives, if \(r_i\) is acceptable to a car \(s_j\) from S, we accept \(r_i\) and assign it to \(s_j\); Otherwise, reject it.

Request \(r_i\) is acceptable to car \(s_j\): Let \(R_j\) denote the set of requests assigned to car \(s_j\) from \(\{r_1, r_2, \ldots r_{i-1}\} \). For any request \(r_h\in R_j\), if we have \(t_i\ge {\dot{t}}_h+\ell ({\dot{p}}_h, p_i)\) or \(t_h\ge {\dot{t}}_i+\ell ({\dot{p}}_i, p_h)\), in other words, \(r_i\) and the requests in \(R_j\) are not in conflict, we say that request \(r_i\) is acceptable to car \(s_j\).

Suppose the adversary releases requests \(R =\{r_1,r_2,\ldots ,r_n\}\) for \( 1\le i<n\). Let \(R'\) denote the accepted requests by GA. Let \(R^*\) denote the accepted requests by the offline scheduler (optimal solution).

Algorithm 2
figure b

Greedy Algorithm (GA)

Theorem 3

For CSV on general graphs, GA is \((3L+1)\)-competitive.


Recall that \({\bar{R}}\) is the set of requests accepted by OPT which are not accepted by GA. For each car \(s^*_e \in S^*\) of an OPT solution, \({\bar{R}}_e\) is the requests in \({\bar{R}}\) and accepted by \(s^*_e\). We claim that for each \({\bar{R}}_e\in {\bar{R}}\) and for any car \(s'_j\in S'\), we have \(|{\bar{R}}_e|\le \alpha \cdot |R'_j-R^*_e|\). If this claim holds, then we have \(|R^*|\le \alpha |R'-R^*|+|R^*\cap R'|\le \alpha |R'|\) with \(\alpha \ge 1\), since \(R^*-{\bar{R}} = (R^*\cap R')\).

Consider any request \(r_i \in {\bar{R}}_e\). since \(s'_j\) did not accept \(r_i\), \(s'_j\) must have accept another request \(r_c\) which is in conflict with \(r_i\). We charge \(r_i\) to \(r_c\) once we find a request \(r_c\) which is in conflict with \(r_i\). In this way, every request in \({\bar{R}}_e\) is charged to a request in \(R'_j\).

Next, we bound the number of requests in \({\bar{R}}_e\) that can be charged to a single request \(r_c \in R'_j\). Observe that if interval \((t_h,{\dot{t}}_h)\) does not intersect with the occupy interval \((\alpha _c,\beta _c)\), it is sufficient for \(s'_j\) to serve both \(r_c\) and \(r_h\) according to the definition of the occupy interval. As all requests have travel time at least t, the start times of any two consecutive requests accepted by \(s^*_e\) differ by at least t. Here “consecutive requests" means the requests are consecutive according to the time order. Recall that there is an occupy interval \((\alpha _c,\beta _c)\) with length 3Lt by Observation 1, which can intersect with at most \(3L+1\) consecutive requests. It means that \(r_c\) is charged by at most \(3L+1\) requests from \({\bar{R}}_e\).

This establishes the claim, with \(\alpha = 3L+1\). Thus we get \(|R^*|\le (3L+1)\cdot |R'|\). The theorem is proved. \(\square \)

Notice that a path is a special graph, by Theorem 3, we have the following Theorem:

Theorem 4

For CSV on a path, GA is \((3L+1)\)-competitive.

4.2 Parted greedy algorithm

According to Lemma 1, for any request \(r_i\), when \({\dot{t}}_i-t_i\) is no less than \(\frac{Lt}{2}\), we can find an occupy interval of \(r_i\), the length of which is 2Lt; when \({\dot{t}}_i-t_i\) is greater than \(\frac{Lt}{2}\), we can find an occupy interval of \(r_i\), the length of which is 3Lt. We will take advantage of the length difference of the occupy intervals for different requests in the Parted Greedy Algorithm. In PGA, the cars are separated into two parts, one part is denoted by \(S'(1)\), in which the cars only serve requests of length no larger than \(\frac{L}{2}\), and the other part of cars, denoted by \(S'(2)\), only serve requests of length larger than \(\frac{L}{2}\). The accurate numbers of cars in \(S'(1)\) and \(S'(2)\) are shown in the following Theorems.

The definition of acceptable is similar to Greedy Algorithm. We say that request \(r_i\) is acceptable to car \(s_j\) if \(r_i\) and any request in \(R_j\) are not in conflict. Besides, for a request \(r_i\), if the length of \(r_i\) is no larger than \(\frac{L}{2}\), \(r_i\) is only acceptable to cars in \(S'(1)\); Otherwise, \(r_i\) is only acceptable to cars in \(S'(2)\).

Suppose the adversary releases requests \(R =\{r_1,r_2,\ldots ,r_n\}\). According to the length of each request in R, R can be separated into two sets R(1) and R(2), where R(1) (resp. R(2)) denotes the set of requests in R with length no larger than \(\frac{L}{2}\) (resp. larger than \(\frac{L}{2}\)).

Let \(R'(1)\) and \(R'(2)\) denote the requests accepted by PGA in R(1) and R(2). Notice that \(|R'(1)|=\sum _{s_j\in S'(1)} |R'_j|\) (resp. \(|R'(2)|=\sum _{s_j\in S'(2)} |R'_j|\)). Let \(R^*(1)\) and \(R^*(2)\) denote the requests accepted by the offline scheduler (optimal solution) in R(1) and R(2).

Algorithm 3
figure c

Parted Greedy Algorithm (PGA)

Recall that \({\bar{R}}\) denotes the set of requests accepted by OPT that are not accepted by PGA. For each car \(s_e^*\in S^*\), let \({\bar{R}}_e\) denote the requests in \({\bar{R}}\) and accepted by the car \(s_e^*\). For each car \(s^*_e\in S^*\), we further denote the requests in \({\bar{R}}_e\) with length no larger than \(\frac{L}{2}\) (resp. larger than \(\frac{L}{2}\)) by \({\bar{R}}_{e}(1)\) (resp. \({\bar{R}}_{e}(2) \)). i.e., \({\bar{R}}_{e}(1)={\bar{R}}_e \cap R(1)\) and \({\bar{R}}_{e}(2)={\bar{R}}_e \cap R(2)\). Observe that \(|{\bar{R}}_{e} (1)|+|{\bar{R}}_{e} (2)|=|{\bar{R}}_e|\), and \(\sum _{e=1}^{k} |{\bar{R}}_e|=|{\bar{R}}|\).

Theorem 5

For CSV on a path with \(k\ge L+20\), PGA is \((2L+10)\)-competitive when we set \(|S(1)|=\lfloor \frac{(2L+1)k}{2L+8} \rfloor \).


Firstly, we focus on the requests in R(1) that are either accepted by \(s^*_e\in S^*\) or accepted by \(s'_j\in S'(1)\). Consider any request \(r_h \in {\bar{R}}_{e}(1)\), since PGA does not accept \(r_h\), the car \(s'_j\) must have accepted another request \(r_c\), such that \(r_c\) and \(r_h\) are in conflict. As for cars in \(S'(2)\), since the length of \(r_h\) is no larger than \(\frac{L}{2}\), PGA will not assign \(r_h\) to any request in \(R'(2)\). We say that \(r_h\) charges to \(r_c\) once we find a \(r_c\in R'(1)\) which is in conflict with \(r_h\in R^*\).

We bound the number of requests in \({\bar{R}}_{e}(1)\) that can be charged to a single request \(r_c \in R'(1)\) for any car \(s^*_e\in S^*\). Observe that by Lemma 1, for a request \(r_h\), if \((t_h,{\dot{t}}_h)\) does not intersect with an occupy interval of \(r_c\), i.e., \((\alpha _c,\beta _c)\), it is sufficient for \(s'_j\) to serve both \(r_c\) and \(r_h\). Notice that the length of request \(r_c\) is no larger than \(\frac{L}{2}\), according to Lemma 1, there exists an occupy interval \((\alpha _c,\beta _c)\) such that \(\beta _c-\alpha _c=2Lt\). Since all requests in \({\bar{R}} \cap R(1)\) have travel time at least t, the start times of any two consecutive requests accepted by \(s^*_e\) differ by at least t, which means that \((\alpha _c, \beta _c)\) may intersect with at most \(2L+1\) consecutive requests. Thus \(r_c\) is charged by at most \(2L+1\) requests from \({\bar{R}}_{e}(1)\).

Then we consider the requests in R(2) that are either accepted by \(s_e^*\) in \(S^*\) or accepted by \(s'_j\in S'(2)\). Consider any request \(r_h \in {\bar{R}}_{e}(2)\), since PGA does not accept \(r_h\), the car \(s'_j\) must have accepted another request \(r_c\), such that \(r_c\) and \(r_h\) are in conflict. As for cars in \(S'(1)\), since the length of \(r_h\) is larger than \(\frac{L}{2}\), PGA will not assign \(r_h\) to any request in \(R'(1)\). Similarly, we charge \(r_h\) to \(r_c\).

Observe that for a request \(r_h\), if \((t_h,{\dot{t}}_h)\) does not intersect with the occupy interval \((\alpha _c,\beta _c)\), it is sufficient for \(s'_j\in S'(2)\) to serve both \(r_c\) and \(r_h\). As all requests in \({\bar{R}} \cap R(2)\) have travel time at least \(\frac{Lt}{2}\), the start times of any two consecutive requests accepted by \(s^*_e\) differ by at least \(\frac{Lt}{2}\). By Lemma 1, we can find an occupy interval \((\alpha _c,\beta _c)\) of \(r_c\), where \(\beta _c-\alpha _c=3Lt\). Thus \((\alpha _c,\beta _c)\) may intersect with at most \(\frac{3Lt}{Lt/2}+1\) consecutive requests. It means that \(r_c\) is charged by at most 7 requests from \({\bar{R}}_{e}(2)\).

For a request \(r_h\in {\bar{R}}_{e}(1)\) (resp. \(r_h\in {\bar{R}}_{e}(2)\)), we know that for each car \(s'_j\in S'(1)\) (resp. \(s'_j\in S'(2)\)), \(s'_j\) can not serve \(r_h\). Thus we charge \(r_h\) to at least \(|S'(1)|\) requests in \(R'(1)\) (resp. \(|S'(2)|\) requests in \(R'(2)\)).

Set \(|S(1)|=\lfloor \frac{(2L+1)k}{2L+8} \rfloor \), then \(|S(2)|=k-|S_1|\ge \frac{7k}{2L+8}\). We can construct a bipartite graph between requests in \(\bigcup _{s^*_e\in S^*} {\bar{R}}_{e}(1) \) and requests in \(\bigcup _{s'_j\in S'(1)} (R'_j-R^*) \), and a bipartite graph between requests in \(\bigcup _{s^*_e\in S^*} {\bar{R}}_{e}(2) \) and requests in \(\bigcup _{s'_j\in S'(2)} (R'_j-R^*) \), separately. There is an edge \( (r^*, r') \) if \( r^*\) charges \(r'\). Based on Lemma 2, we know \(\sum _{s'_j\in S'(1)} |R'_j-R^*| \ge \sum _{s^*_e\in S^*} |{\bar{R}}_{e}(1)|\cdot \frac{|S'(1)|}{(2\,L+1)k} \) since each request in \(\bigcup _{s'_j\in S'(1)} (R'_j-R^*) \) is charged to at most \( 2Lt+1 \) requests of and each request in \( \bigcup _{s^*_e\in S^*} {\bar{R}}_{e}(1) \) charges to at least \( |S'(1)| \) requests of \(\bigcup _{s'_j\in S'(1)} (R'_j-R^*) \). Similarly, we have \(\sum _{s'_j\in S'(2)} |R'_j-R^*| \ge \sum _{s^*_e\in S^*} |{\bar{R}}_{e}(2)|\cdot \frac{|S'(2)|}{7k}\).

By the analysis above, we have

$$\begin{aligned} |R'(1)|=&\sum _{s'_j\in S'(1)} |R'_j-R^*|+|R'(1)\cap R^*| \\ \ge&\sum _{s^*_e\in S^*} |{\bar{R}}_{e}(1)|\cdot \frac{|S'(1)|}{(2L+1)k}+|R'(1)\cap R^*| \\ \ge&\sum _{s^*_e\in S^*} |{\bar{R}}_{e}(1)|\cdot (\frac{1}{2L+8}-\frac{1}{(2L+1)k})+|R'(1)\cap R^*| \ (\text {since k>1}), \end{aligned}$$

where the first inequality follows from Lemma 2. Similarly, we also have

$$\begin{aligned} |R'(2)|=&\sum _{s'_j\in S'(2)} |R'_j-R^*|+|R'(2)\cap R^*| \\ \ge&\sum _{s^*_e\in S^*} |{\bar{R}}_{e}(2)|\cdot \frac{|S'(2)|}{7k}+|R'(2)\cap R^*| \\ \ge&\sum _{s^*_e\in S^*} |{\bar{R}}_{e}(2)|\cdot \frac{1}{2L+8}+|R'(2)\cap R^*|. \end{aligned}$$

Since \(k\ge L+20\), we have \((\frac{1}{2\,L+8}-\frac{1}{(2\,L+1)k})\ge \frac{1}{2\,L+10}\), and then we get

$$\begin{aligned} |R'|=&|R'(1)|+|R'(2)| \\ \ge&\sum _{s^*_e\in S^*} (|{\bar{R}}_{e}(1)|+|{\bar{R}}_{e}(2)|) \cdot \frac{1}{2L+10}+|R'(1)\cap R^*|+|R'(2)\cap R^*| \\ >&\frac{1}{2L+10} \cdot (|R'(1)\cap R^*|+\sum _{s^*_e\in S^*} |{\bar{R}}_{e}(1)|+|R'(2)\cap R^*|+\sum _{s^*_e\in S^*} |{\bar{R}}_{e}(2)|) \\ =&\frac{1}{2L+10} \cdot |R^*|. \end{aligned}$$

The theorem is proved. \(\square \)

Theorem 6

For CSV on general graphs with \(k\ge \frac{5}{4}L+20\), PGA is \((\frac{5}{2}L+10)\)-competitive when we set \(|S(1)|=\lfloor \frac{(5\,L+2)k}{5\,L+16} \rfloor \).


Similarly to the analysis in Theorem 5, we focus on the requests both in R(1) and R(2) that are either accepted by \(s_e^*\) in \(S^*\) or accepted by PGA. Recall that according to Observation 1, for any request \(r_i\) on a general graph, \((t_i-Lt,{\dot{t}}_i+Lt)\) is an occupy interval of \(r_i\), and the length of the occupy interval is \((2Lt+{\dot{t}}_i-t_i)\).

Consider any request \(r_h\) with \(r_h \in {\bar{R}}_{e}(1)\) (resp. \(r_h \in {\bar{R}}_{e}(2)\)), since PGA does not accept \(r_h\), car \(s'_j\in S'(1)\) (resp. \(s'_j\in S'(2)\)) must have accepted another request \(r_c\), such that \(r_c\) and \(r_h\) are in conflict. Then we bound the number of requests in \({\bar{R}}_{e}(1)\) that can be charged to a single request \(r_c \in R'(1)\) for any car \(s^*_e\in S^*\). Observe that for a request \(r_h\), if \((t_h,{\dot{t}}_h)\) does not intersect with the occupy interval of \(r_c\), i.e., \((\alpha _c,\beta _c)\), it is sufficient for \(s'_j\) to serve both \(r_c\) and \(r_h\). Notice that the length of request \(r_c\) is no larger than \(\frac{L}{2}\), then there exists an occupy interval \((\alpha _c,\beta _c)\) with length \(\frac{5Lt}{2}\). We know that all requests in \({\bar{R}} \cap R(1)\) have travel time at least t, \((\alpha _c, \beta _c)\) may intersect with at most \(\frac{5L}{2}+1\) consecutive requests. Thus \(r_c\) is charged by at most \(\frac{5L}{2}+1\) requests from \({\bar{R}}_{e}(1)\).

On the other hand, for any request \(r_h \in {\bar{R}}_{e}(2)\), the length of \(r_h\) is larger than \(\frac{L}{2}\). Since PGA does not accept \(r_h\), car \(s'_j \in S'(2)\) must have accepted another request \(r_c\) in R(2) that \(r_c\) charges \(r_h\).

Observe that if \((t_h,{\dot{t}}_h)\) does not intersect with the occupy interval \((\alpha _c,\beta _c)\), it is sufficient for \(s'_j\in S'(2)\) to serve both \(r_c\) and \(r_h\). Since all requests in \({\bar{R}} \cap R(2)\) have travel time at least \(\frac{Lt}{2}\), the start times of any two consecutive requests accepted by \(s^*_e\) differ by at least \(\frac{Lt}{2}\). Notice that we can find an occupy interval \((\alpha _c,\beta _c)\) of \(r_c\), where \(\beta _c-\alpha _c=3Lt\). Thus \((\alpha _c,\beta _c)\) may intersect with at most \(\frac{3Lt}{Lt/2}+1\) consecutive requests. It means that \(r_c\) is charged by at most 7 requests from \({\bar{R}}_{e}(2)\).

For a request \(r_h\in {\bar{R}}_{e}(1)\) (resp. \(r_h\in {\bar{R}}_{e}(2)\)), we can find that for each car \(s'_j\in S'(1)\) (resp. \(s'_j\in S'(2)\)), \(s'_j\) can not serve \(r_h\). Thus \(r_h\) must be charged to at least \(|S'(1)|\) requests in \(R'_1\) (resp. \(|S'(2)|\) requests in \(R'(2)\)).

Set \(|S(1)|=\lfloor \frac{(5L+2)k}{5L+16} \rfloor \), then \(|S(2)|=k-|S_1|\ge \frac{14k}{5L+16}\). Similar to the analysis in Theorem 5, we have

$$\begin{aligned} |R'(1)|=&\sum _{s'_j\in S'(1)} |R_j-R^*|+|R'(1)\cap R^*| \\ \ge&\sum _{s^*_e\in S^*} |{\bar{R}}_{e}(1)|\cdot \frac{2|S'(1)|}{(5L+2)k}+|R'(1)\cap R^*| \\ \ge&\sum _{s^*_e\in S^*} |{\bar{R}}_{e}(1)|\cdot (\frac{2}{5L+16}-\frac{2}{(5L+2)k})+|R'(1)\cap R^*| \ (\text {since k>1}), \end{aligned}$$


$$\begin{aligned} |R'(2)|=&\sum _{s'_j\in S'(2)} |R_j-R^*|+|R'(2)\cap R^*| \\ \ge&\sum _{s^*_e\in S^*} |{\bar{R}}_{e}(2)|\cdot \frac{|S'(2)|}{7k}+|R'(2)\cap R^*| \\ \ge&\sum _{s^*_e\in S^*} |{\bar{R}}_{e}(2)|\cdot \frac{2}{5L+16}+|R'(2)\cap R^*|. \end{aligned}$$

Since \(k\ge \frac{5}{4}L+20\), we have \((\frac{2}{5L+8}-\frac{2}{(2L+1)k})\ge \frac{2}{5L+20}\), and then we get

$$\begin{aligned} |R'|=&|R'(1)|+|R'(2)| \\ \ge&\sum _{s^*_e\in S^*} (|{\bar{R}}_{e}(1)|+|{\bar{R}}_{e}(2)|) \cdot \frac{2}{5L+20}+|R'(1)\cap R^*|+|R'(2)\cap R^*| \\ >&\frac{2}{5L+20} \cdot (|R'(1)\cap R^*|+\sum _{s^*_e\in S^*} |{\bar{R}}_{e}(1)|+|R'(2)\cap R^*|+\sum _{s^*_e\in S^*} |{\bar{R}}_{e}(2)|) \\ =&\frac{2}{5L+20} \cdot |R^*|, \end{aligned}$$

which proves the theorem. \(\square \)

5 Conclusion

We have analyzed online car-sharing problem with variable booking times on both general graphs and a special graph of a path. For CSV on general graphs, we have proved that no deterministic algorithm can achieve a competitive ratio smaller than \(L+1\). For CSV on a path, we have also proved that no deterministic algorithm can achieve a competitive ratio smaller than \(L+1\). We came up with two algorithms: the Greedy Algorithm (GA) and the Parted Greedy Algorithm (PGA). According to the analysis of two algorithms, we proved that GA is \(3L+1\)-competitive for CSV on general graphs, and PGA is (\(\frac{5}{2}L+10\))-competitive for CSV on a general graph. For CSV on a path, the competitive ratio of GA and PGA are proved to be \(3\,L+1\) and \(2\,L+10\).

There are still some new interesting questions, such as the online car-sharing problem under the stochastic viewpoint, or CSV with different booking time constraints.