Efficient solution of the non-unitary time-dependent Schrodinger equation on a quantum computer with complex absorbing potential

Mariane Mangin-Brinet1, Jing Zhang2, Denis Lacroix2, and Edgar Andres Ruiz Guzman2

1Laboratoire de Physique Subatomique et de Cosmologie, CNRS/IN2P3, 38026 Grenoble, France
2Université Paris-Saclay, CNRS/IN2P3, IJCLab, 91405 Orsay, France

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We explore the possibility of adding complex absorbing potential at the boundaries when solving the one-dimensional real-time Schrödinger evolution on a grid using a quantum computer with a fully quantum algorithm described on a $n$ qubit register. Due to the complex potential, the evolution mixes real- and imaginary-time propagation and the wave function can potentially be continuously absorbed during the time propagation. We use the dilation quantum algorithm to treat the imaginary-time evolution in parallel to the real-time propagation. This method has the advantage of using only one reservoir qubit at a time, that is measured with a certain success probability to implement the desired imaginary-time evolution. We propose a specific prescription for the dilation method where the success probability is directly linked to the physical norm of the continuously absorbed state evolving on the mesh. We expect that the proposed prescription will have the advantage of keeping a high probability of success in most physical situations. Applications of the method are made on one-dimensional wave functions evolving on a mesh. Results obtained on a quantum computer identify with those obtained on a classical computer. We finally give a detailed discussion on the complexity of implementing the dilation matrix. Due to the local nature of the potential, for $n$ qubits, the dilation matrix only requires $2^n$ CNOT and $2^n$ unitary rotation for each time step, whereas it would require of the order of $4^{n+1}$ C-NOT gates to implement it using the best-known algorithm for general unitary matrices.

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Cited by

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